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Running. D;

edited September 2009 in Vent
Ya know..I usually have no problem with running, I kinda like it.<br>But today for gym, it broke mi heart.. -sob-<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><li class="bb-listitem">I'm limping.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi ribs and sides hurt[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi back hurts[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi shoulders hurt[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi shins hurt (I have shin spli(n)ts)[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi throat hurts[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Mi feet have huge blisters that hurt like hell[/*]</li><br></ul><br><br>Okay-and for the story. x.x<br>In gym, since last year, we've all had to run a mile in order to even have the possibility to get an A. Our track is a quarter-mile for every time around, four is a mile. Females (me) have to complete it in less than 13 minutes, males (not me xD ) have to complete it in less than 11 minutes. Sounds like enough time, right? Not right. x.x<br>I can't run on a track with mi shoes on, so I always run in mi socks and almost never have a problem.<br>Now, I'm almost positive that I have asthma. I plan on making one of mi parents take me to the doctors to check, because I could barely breath after about 1/8 mile and all the way until the end of the school day, which was about 50 minutes.<br>I'm pissed, because mi mum is still making me go to mi little brother's football scrimmage like..4 towns away from where I live, and is going to make me walk. O.O are you freaking kidding me!?! Dx<br>I want to curl up in a ball and die in a corner! D;


  • D'aww, you can curl up in a ball and lay on my lap while I stroke your hair and sing softly. O.o<br><br>I am really not much of a runner. My body is not made for it -at all-.<br>So kudos to you for taking the time and effort to run.<br><br>I really hope it turns out well for you. It's not fun to be in pain while doing something you like to do.
  • GAH! WHAT IN THE WORLD, WHY CAN'T I EDIT!<br><br>I was gonna add...<br><br>"Best wishes, Gak~"
  • oops, I didn't mean best wishes, I mean...<br><br>"Best of luck"<br>as in, get better soon.<br><br>@_@<;br>My head is all screwy today.
  • xD Gak.<br><br><br>You should definately go check with a doctor. It could get VERY serious.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Vamp, that's awful, hope ya feel better. I absolutly hate running. I hate it. I had to run a mile last year also. My ears always hurt afterwards because of the wind, my throat hurts, I feel like I'm gonna throw up, and my legs ache.<br><br>
    GAK04 wrote:
    <br><br>Oh, editing on the vent section is no longer allowd.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • bamjajalam.<br>Woah, did not know that.<br><br>Thankies for telling me lovey.
  • Why did the stop the editing?
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    Why did the stop the editing?
    <br>so the immature/too mature players couldn't edit their masked swearing or swearing in general. xD<br><br>Gak-lmao that's hilarious. xD and thank you. o.O<br><br>
    Pepper97 wrote:
    You should definately go check with a doctor. It could get VERY serious.
    <br><br>the asthma?<br>if you mean that, and even if you don't, both mi mum and dad said that the reason that always happens to me is because I'm out of shape. >.><br>I'm really not that out of shape.. -.- I mean, I know I'm a little overweight, even though most the extra weight is muscles that aren't really needed on mi body or some kind of crap like that, but I'm not -that- out of shape. >.> <.<<br><br>
    Vamp, that's awful, hope ya feel better. I absolutly hate running. I hate it. I had to run a mile last year also. My ears always hurt afterwards because of the wind, my throat hurts, I feel like I'm gonna throw up, and my legs ache.
    <br><br>I almost threw up last year when we had to run the mile. >.< I was over the 13 minutes but she gave me the grade because I collapsed and was gasping for breath and spitting as soon as I passed her. x.x<br>And mi legs still hurt..I think they should cusion the track more, like mi taekwondo place at the ATA. xD<br>And thank you. <3
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    You should definately go check with a doctor. It could get VERY serious.
    <br><br>the asthma?<br>if you mean that, and even if you don't, both mi mum and dad said that the reason that always happens to me is because I'm out of shape. >.><br>I'm really not that out of shape.. -.- I mean, I know I'm a little overweight, even though most the extra weight is muscles that aren't really needed on mi body or some kind of crap like that, but I'm not -that- out of shape. >.> <.<<br>
    <br><br>Yes, if you're out of shape, you might have those symtoms maybe an hour at most. If they continue for the rest of the day, it could VERY well be asthma.<br><br>Another little clue to if you have asthma or not:<br>Do you get exema(I completely spelled it wrong, I know. ^.^)? Most people either only get exema or asthma. It is VERY rare to have both.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I don't anymore, I use to kind-of have it when I was younger. I thought it was just because the loose jeans rubbed on mi legs and chaffed them. :3
  • You would know if it were exema. Did it crack and bleed? xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • nah, it occasionally itched..but that's just about it. xD and it was dry..not super dry though.
  • I hate the same problem. MY chest gets tight when I run, all I can do is sprint for a 1/8 of a mile before I collapse XD Also I hate these huge things on my chest that hurt when I run ^^
  • The phys ed system is stupidity. Running is really hard on you especially if you're not that 80-lb teeny tiny frame they all expect you to be. Some people are just not naturally good runners, and it doesn't mean you're in bad shape. I think that's so stupid that you won't have a chance at getting an A if you can't run a mile or whatever. I started jogging and building up my cardio endurance outside of school, and I could run for about 4 minutes longer than my friend, who was about 100 pounds less and a foot and a half smaller than me. Running is lame unless you're built for it. You can really injure yourself running... <br><br> :( I hated the first few months of phys ed because of the running unit. The furthest I've run was half a mile and that's after months of training. <br><br>I got at least a B+ to an A in phys ed every other unit, like hockey, basketball, dancing, except for the running one.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I have really bad asthma. I hate it. Whenever we run the mile for P.E. i always have my inhaler on me. It sucks. I am so grateful for inhalers or else I'd be dead by now...literally. xD
  • ):<br>I feel your pain. <3<br>I hope you get better, though. D:<br><br>I really do hate running. Maybe I'm slower than my other friends cause they're all 90-80lbs while I'm 100+. <br>[but they're shorter than me. HEHEHE. XD]<br><br>anyways.<br>I hate running the mile because I always -know- I'll probably be last with my bestie. [She can't run. at all. xDD]<br>so...<br>I think physical ed is stupid.<br>.___.<br>especially if you're very un-athletic like me and my bestie, it's like -torture-.<br>xDD<br>Enough of my rambling though. D:<br><br>You really should go to the doctor and check if you have asthma, it can turn into a really serious problem if you don't. <br>.___.
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