<span style="font-size:75">I do understand that there is not a lot of people who event dogs, but heck- I thought I would give this a try and see how it goes.</span><br><br><br><span style="font-size:92">This is for both <span style="text-decoration:underline">novices</span> & <span style="text-decoration:underline">sponsers.</span> <br><br>This program is to help novices and sponsers with bringing in a profit. <br><br></span><br><br><span style="font-size:125">Eventing Profits</span><br><span style="font-size:92">When you get a dog that is good in events, the out comes usually turn out to be pretty good. <br>You pay at the most $1,000 for a event; and you could get up to $20,000 back if your dog places well. <br><br>Of course since I am a novice I will not have major kennel space to keep dogs for this purpose, but I am hoping that some people will "donate" dogs.<br>To donate a dog, you may PM me a link. <br>The conditions to donating a dog: dog must be trained and will stay in your kennel until someone claims the dog and bids 0. <br>So you don't get confused, I will PM you who claims the dog and what there player name is that they are bidding from. <br>If you decide that you no longer want to donate that dog, <span style="font-weight:bold">please</span> let me know.<br><br><br>If you find a dog below of your liking, you may ask for it, tell me your player name you are bidding from, bid 0, and then it is yours. <br>I will be only giving away trained dogs; Some may be good in events, some may not be- so I am not responsible and neither are the other people. <br>I do have one rule upon requesting a dog; you may only request one dog per real week. <br>Please understand that people are taking there time and money into a dog for you to make some profit out of. <br><br><br>If you are low on cash and need some money to enter in events you must PM me a link to your kennel page. <br>The most I can give someone is 20K only <span style="font-weight:bold">once.</span> That is enough for twenty $1,000 events. <br><br><br>If you would like to see what your dog could be good in for events, check out the tips and tricks section. <br>I have made my own thread; <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=62894&highlight=" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/phpbb/viewtopic. ... highlight=</a> , but that does not mean other threads could be better for you ;D<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Donations</span> are always appreciated in getting the dogs trained, helping novices or sponsers with a little cash to get started in showing, or buying dogs. <br>I can not take donated trainings. I will only take VPC and donated dogs. <br><br><br>Please only PM me for donating and requesting only. If you have a question please ask here because it could be helpful to other people as well. <br><br><br>I plan on not updating this thread much so you know nothing has been moved around or messed with. <br>In order to add dogs, take dogs off, have a update section, donation section, and who has requested a dog I will post a "reply" below that will list all that information. <br><br></span>