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mi dad's computer is going crazy! D;<br>The stupid virus pop-ups are coming up and he doesn't have a thing even downloaded for it! Dx<br>And it keeps coming up!<br> :cry: -hits head of desk until passes out- :(


  • Ask him if you can download a very good cleaner called CCleaner it got rid of our trojan and all out viruses
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • O.o I don't want him not to let me download stuff anymore..I may just download it anyways. XD<br>this is practically mi computer, no one else uses it. o.0<br><br>it hasn't popped up again though.. O.o odd...
  • My virus protection expired a few months ago and I've been having the same problem. I'm totally scared that I'm going to loose my 5 years of pictures saved to this computer.
  • I just came to a realization though..<br>the thing that pops up is a try-to-be virus protection software, I had ended up downloading and saving it on mi mum's computer and it ended up having to get sent to an IT guy mi dad knows and he got it off with most of our stuff left. So as long as I hurry up and click the "X" then it won't do much, can't do much.<br>So more or less, DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!!! D:<br>I just hope it stops popping up. x.x
  • I just came to a realization though..<br>the thing that pops up is a try-to-be virus protection software, I had ended up downloading and saving it on mi mum's computer and it ended up having to get sent to an IT guy mi dad knows and he got it off with most of our stuff left. So as long as I hurry up and click the "X" then it won't do much, can't do much.<br>So more or less, DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!!! D:<br>I just hope it stops popping up. x.x
    <br><br>Oh my gosh.. is this program something like PC Antispyware 2010? <br>That's what trys to load on my computer everytime I turn it on. If I let it download it won't let me get on the internet because of potential viruses. <br>I had to go in and remove it from my computer. But yeah, everytime I turn it on, that program trys to load and I have to hurry and x out of it.
  • I think that's it. O.o<br>not sure about the 2010 part, or the spyware part..<br>It's something like: Virus-Protection something <br>And it's for viruses, it tries to do a scan and then shows viruses (that probably aren't even there. >.>) and tell me that they're malicious programs that are going to damage mi system and the such. <br>-.- so confusing. D:
  • Sounds like the two of us are dealing with the same thing. Then when it scans it wants you to buy the program so it can delete everything.
  • yes! O.O i kept clicking close maybe it only wanted me to download it.. O.o<br>>.<
  • Omg I have the same thing!<br>It have caused all kinds of havoc my my pc. D;<br>I finally keep deleting the accounts its on and then start a new account up. So far it hasn't popped up in 2-3 days. But last night my computer started talking so it must not be gone. :/<br>If you find a way to get rid of it let me know. xD
  • O.o talking?<br>.....<br>now I think I hear mine talking. D:<br>rofl, it just went away on mi mums computer as long as I run the verizon security stuff daily..not sure another way though, I'm definitly going to look into some security (spyware and virus) for this computer though, I would die if all mi GIMP, ArtWeaver, etc etc downloads went down the drain. D;
  • O.O<br>My mom said the same thing was popping up on our family computer.<br>I don't ever use that computer, but when she was signing in to her bank account it kept popping up and it some how downloaded onto our computer and it crashed. :X
  • We had the same thing, apparently its spyware and it lodges itself in a hidden file on your computer,you have to go and delete it manually or download the free avg antivirus and spyware or use ad adaware, both are pretty good :)
  • Where do I go to get those programs? Does it get rid of the PC Antispyware 2010 thing? Any idea where it's hiding?
  • You can just Google AVG, that's a really good anti-spywear program.<br>I have it on mine, and it's free.
  • Avla wrote:
    You can just Google AVG, that's a really good anti-spywear program.<br>I have it on mine, and it's free.
    <br>I second this :) I have it on my laptop and home computer, it gets rid of it ^.^
  • Does AVG get rid of viruses and such that are already on your computer?
  • It did on our family computer, although my dad said it didn't. :roll: <br>But, you just virus scans and it should get rid of them. :D
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