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edited August 2009 in General Discussion
Who's your idol on vp? xD who do you look up too 'as if they are in another league'? Random convo, but interesting xD<br><br>Mine are (top 3 xD)<br><br>1. Tarn - cause shes awesome and has lots of moneys, gifties and her zodic wolzes :o <br>2. Bobcat - cause of her amazing graphics xD<br>3. Nickel - because of her amazing show dogs :P <br><br>Others that i look up to<br><br>Buffy<br>Boz<br>Tasha<br>Karissa<br>Kersa<br>Evvy<br>Wheaty<br>Reina<br>Oh and all the OP's xD<br>I think thats all :lol:

Please PM me if I win anything.
- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!


  • edited August 2009
    Oh wow, the list is so long.....but I have to say the top 3 are.....(In no particular order)<br><br>Lycanthrin- She's an amazing friend and always has lots of great ideas! <br>Reina- She's not afraid do state her opinions-but does it in a friendly way.<br>Andi- She takes time out of her life to make great graphics for people-for free!<br><br>Some others:<br>Illa- For giving away so much stuff just to help others<br>Bobcat- If friendly, funny, and does great graphics!<br>Vampire Venom- Is helpful and posts things that can always make me laugh<br>Wheaty- Friendly, helpful and funny<br>Woodpecker- For being creative and kind<br>Mars- For being helpful and friendly<br>Kelpie- For being a reliable, fast trainer<br><br>And of course all the ops!<br><br><br>And <span style="font-weight:bold">so</span> many more.....
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Nickel is up there for sure. x.x I'm now obsessed with showing..though she doesn't show much anymore. D; <span style="font-size:67">even though that means I have more of a chance to win xD</span><br>Tarn too-soo many gifts..soo much moneys. xD<br>Boz-luffles her art. <3<br>Bobbers-luffles her art also, especially the bobwolf. xD <3<br>Evvy-has lotsa stuff I would like. xD<br>Buffers-trains much better than me. XD<br>Shameh-trains much better than me..and is willing to do long grooms. lol xD<br>Dusters-amazing, unique style of art; of which I loves. <3<br><br>wow..I didn't know I looked up to soo many people on here. XD<br><br>and of course all the ops and Nef, I wish I could own/run a site like this.. O.O that would make mi life complete. xD<br><br>And there are of course loads of other people, but mi fried brain can't remember any more. D;
  • You know... I don't know. lol <br><br>I'd love to have amazing dogs that come in first every time like Nickel. <br>I'd love to be able to make graphics and draw like just about everyone on here.
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:75">Wow, thank you ^_^<br>I'm glad I'm a role model lol<br><br><br>Mine would have to be. . .<br><br><br>Nickel - Having AMAZING show dogs<br>Reina - Such pure, and amazing graphics <3<br>Tarn - How she is able to save her money like that, I have no clue. . . o.o But I wish I could.<br>Zag - Her ability to show and earn fame and getting up on top kennels list is mind blowing :shock:<br><br><br><br>And I luffles all me friends as well! ^_^<br>So many great artists on here too,<br>and so many helpful and talented, and just pure wonderful people. :)</span></span>
  • Hm.<br>I'd have to say..<br>Bobcat-Because she's just awesome and fun all around. <br>Reina-Becuase she's made my passion for dog breeding stronger, and she makes amazing layouts. 8DD<br>Lyc-Becuase her shroles are amazing. >D<br>And even though I don't talk to 3E that much, she has an amazing dane line. :3
  • All the ops definitally...<br>and Evvy<br>and Tarn<br>and Nickel...<br>horse<br>and Middy<br>aaaand uuuh plenty more but theyre not coming to mind
  • Oh wow :o I'm shocked to say the least. lol.<br><br><br>hm mine are (in no particular order):<br><br>Ev <br>Nickel<br>Aziu<br><br>And everyone else who makes the game fun. :D
  • o.o wow, thanks everyone xD<br><br>I dont like to single out certain people xD But, most everyone who lingers around in Artist Alley with their amazing drawing abilities D: Im jealous.<br><br>And<br><br><br>All of those with huge gifty collections & amazing dog lines <3<br><br><br>I suppose all of you would know who you are xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • :D <br><br>Mines is <br><br>Shay <Crazziiii><br>Ev <O: Stream is all i can say <span style="font-weight:bold">to</span> ev><br>Nickel <Mazing goggies><br>Sarah <Mazing trainer><br>Sap <Everyone loves sappeh xD><br>Clo <ODIJISA MAZING trainer><br>Sim <Awesome person xD><br>Holly .. <AWE SOME><br>*edit* Knew id forget people GET ON CHAT!<br><br>Tiffer <No excuse on forgetting shames, shes always on chat :oops: ><br>Buffy<br>Wheatums <Official chat Spazz xD><br>Para <GAH Same as shames and wheats.. ><br><br>All awesome peeps, [yes, marshmallowey goodnesses] Exept wheatums... shes scares me a bit o.o Dun tell her though xD<span style="font-size:59"> [j/ks wehatys]</span><br><br>and <br><br>Voo<br>Zoe <br>Bama<br>Ana
  • O.o Buffy is showing up on people's lists? <br>Crazzyness. what is vp coming to?<br><br>Let's see (no order i promise):<br><br>Young-- because her art is AMAZING. i luff her to death.<br>Tarn-- because she steals all the gifties from me =D<br>Para-- because i just luff her. period.<br>Wheatie-- because she's hillarious.<br>Nickel-- because i just luff my nickel, i buy all my doggehs from her =D<br>Sandeh-- because she sells me all of my stock dogs!<br>Dreamy-- because she bought all my imports and is now buying all my dogs.<br>Tiffer-- because i train her devils and she loves me =D<br>Mucky-- because i love her arts =D<br>Andi-- because she sells me lots of dyes =D<br>Evy-- because of my breed sets =D<br>Bobcat-- because bobbeh's arts are amazingness and she always stops me from buying stuff in auctions by BINing everything i want, she saves me money =D<br>3Eagles-- because well... he knows why. =D lol<br>Voo-- because she deals with me long enough to MM my trades =D<br><br><br>That's most of my list... im sure there's more people that i luff that i completely missed but they forgive me i hope =D
  • My idols.... Well, I think everyone deserves to be an idol in some perspective!<br><br> (Thanks Mucky and Buffeh <33)<br><br>Nickel: Must I explain?<br>Evy: Read above.<br>Buffeh: So generous in giving my crude work good compliments!<br>Booey: So nice and cool! XD<br>Sappers: Total partner in bussyness and awesomness<br>VI: My love (though Stet's first), and complete aweome partner in crime!<br>Kally: Total pwnage. Eh?<br>Mum: Teaching me not to eat yellow snow.<br>Wheaty: Like Mucky, total chat spazz.
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • Thanks to all who look up to me I guess?<br><br>I love and look up to a lot of vpers<br><br>Shay<br>Tarn<br>Nickel<br>Evvy<br>Sarah<br>Clozo<br>Andi<br>Horse <br>Moony<br>Tara<br>Kimmeh<br>Vi<br>Kally.<br>Sap.<br><br>And a ton more.
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:75"><br>Zag - Her ability to show and earn fame and getting up on top kennels list is mind blowing :shock:</span></span>
    <br><br>I feel honored to make someone's list.
  • O.o I be one a lot of Idol list! *makes graven images to pass out* LMAO JUST KIDDING XD<br><br>This be my list-<br>SHAY! - just because she is awesome!<br>Tarn - because she -makes- me buy gifties<br>Nickel - do I need a rason?!<br>Karissa - purdeh arts!<br>Blueyy - for surviving the chair XD<br>Zagari - because Zag be awesome when I was just starting out art comissions<br>Sappers - she be a kind heart<br>Xae - o3o just because<br>Sandpiper - for hanging out with!<br>Vi - GLOWSTICKS<br>Ellary - zomg have you seen her horses?!<br>Weisse - even though she doesn't play any more XD<br>Jinxx - for having a ton of gifties and making me want to beat her! (Sad that she left D: )<br>Horse - for staying up really late with me when I was doing finals XD<br>Kimmyo - because she be random!<br><br>o3o and a ton others that I don't really have good reasons XD
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • I feel honored to make someone's list.
    <br><span style="color:blue"><br><span style="font-size:75"><br>You should be! :D<br>Your the reason I mainly got the idea for TOP KENNEL. ^_^<br>Vroom, vroom!! Here I come >.><br>Sorry Zag, love ya but #1 is soon to be mine! :twisted: <3</span></span>
  • I feel honored to make someone's list.
    <br><span style="color:blue"><br><span style="font-size:75"><br>You should be! :D<br>Your the reason I mainly got the idea for TOP KENNEL. ^_^<br>Vroom, vroom!! Here I come >.><br>Sorry Zag, love ya but #1 is soon to be mine! :twisted: <3</span></span>
    <br><br>Good luck. ;)
  • Oh wow! people look up to me :shock: hahaha Thanks :]<br><br>, where do I begin. hahaha I don't really like to make a list of all the people who I look up to becuase 1. I'm too lazy because of this horrible 3 digit heat. 2. I tend to always forget someone. So, this is what I have to say:<br><br>Everyone on here has impacted my life in every shape and form. I love every single one of you guys and gals. All of you are special in every way. So pretty much anyone I talk to on VP or the forums I love you all. Because of all of you, you made me love this game even more. It could have gotten very boring without the artist (I need pics, since I'm addicited your art), the trainers, the breeders, all the cool gifty dogs, the people showing their dogs (I love competition), the OPs (without them, the game would be out of control), and of course Nef (for making this wonderful game). I know it's a lot of people, but I have a huge heart and I can fit everyone one of you in it :D
  • Evlon wrote:
    <br>Blueyy - for surviving the chair XD<br>
    <br><br>Psh.<br>That was nothing. XD<br><br>My list: xD<br><br>-Tarn: lots of gifties. oodles of gifties. xD<br>-Evy: for having awesome arts. :D<br>-Nickel: for making great banners. xD<br>-Karissa: for being my graphics feeder. xD<br>-SAP.: just because. 8D<br>-Vi: awesome graphics. (:<br>-Horse: she's so snad. :D<br>-Moony: snad arts. xD
  • Evlon wrote:
    <br><span style="font-size:92">That made me LOL. xD <br><br>-clears throat-<br><br><br>sap <br>Leech<br>Paper<br>Xae<br>Sarah<br>Horse<br>Mucky<br>Ev<br>fael<br>Brat<br>Lby<br>Moony<br>Wheaty<br>Mouse<br>Pirate<br>tiffer<br>Kaytee<br>Piper<br>Snadley<br>Creamy<br>Kes<br>Kimmeth<br><br><br>I think I got carried away, but those are the people I know best on VP. xP Kudos to you guys, I love youuu.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • o.o<br><br>*sniffles*<br><br>This about made me cry, Evy and Oaters
  • Illa- For giving away so much stuff just to help others<br>quote]<br><br> so happy im on someones list <3
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
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