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Vampyre Designs Graphics! -dances then looses all energy-

Ok, I'm super bored and can't come up with any ideas to make for banners...soo...Ima giveaway a max of 5 per person. ^-^<br><br>make sure that it's possible to find pics if you're not providing them yourself. :wink: <br><br>do I really need to post examples? :? <br>I'm lazy at the moment, so if these don't do it for you..then just don't order a <span style="font-style:italic">free</span> banner until I have the energy/effort to put up individual links. :wink: <br>Examples Page::: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>
in-game and forum name: <br>size (ex: 400x300): <br>pics to use: <br>colours: <br>text (include colour): <br>subtext (include colour): <br>Brushes:<br>border(size if yes):<br>transparent background:<br>anything else:
<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ordered</span><br>1. dudey465-1<br>2. woody-1<br>3. lyc-1<br>4. Bretta09-1<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Finished</span><br>1. dudey-1<br>2. woody-1<br>3. lyc-1<br>4.


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