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Conceited? I know your flaws.

edited August 2009 in Vent
I am tired of these people who are full of themselves.<br>Every time someone says something like: "She's so ugly I am way prettier"<br>No your not. -.-<br>I can point out your flaws just like you pointed out hers.<br>Just because you <span style="font-style:italic">think</span> you are pretty doesn't mean she isn't.<br>I don't find anyone ugly. <br>Of course it's a good thing to say things such as: "I look cute today" Or "I love my outfit" and it's nice to receive compliments but you don't have to put other people down.<br>I think everyone should have confidence in how they look.<br>If you’re going to sit there and complain about how you are "ugly" then do something about it.<br>Do your hair, get your makeup done, something to make you feel pretty.<br>Because no one is ugly. :p


  • Lol, only reason to put someone down, is to make yourself feel better. So, i can assume when people are putting others down, they are just trying to disprove their own flaws, because honestly, what other point would there be to doing such a thing?<br><br>I see it pointless anyways, and the only time I ever find people 'ugly' is when their personalities make them that way, not their looks.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Yes! Personality plays a huge role in my life. <br>And most people show it the moment you meet them.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Well put, Avla. :wink: </span></span>
  • Ugly is an ugly word I hate it.
  • Kersa- Thank you. :3<br>Wheaty- >.> Lmao. Exactly!
  • Avla wrote:
    Kersa- Thank you. :3<br>Wheaty- >.> Lmao. Exactly!
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Ke-s-ra XD<br>Sorry, it's my pet peeve. :P<br><br>And your welcome. ;D</span></span>
  • Oops. Sorry. :oops: :lol:
  • Your right lava, this is well written.
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  • Thank you, thank you. XD
  • <span style="font-size:92">this is totally true, avla. (:<br>even though some people [-cough-myfamily-cough-] call me ugly sometimes, i don't put down other people cause i know what it feels like. :roll:<br>well put. (:</span>
  • That's horrible that your family would do that. D;<br>I usually try to stay around people that boost my confidence.<br>I know how it feels to be put down too, when I was in middle school I wasn't like I am now so I had a lot of rough times.
  • The only time i call someone ugly is when i'm talking about their personality. I don't care what you look like, but you can be ugly on the inside.
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