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Know It All Children o.O



  • Xaetian wrote:
    Man, Tat would pwn them something awful.
    <br>I have a problem with people who cause the death of animals due to their arrogance or negligence. Personal experience. :wink:
  • Tattoo wrote:
    Xaetian wrote:
    Man, Tat would pwn them something awful.
    <br>I have a problem with people who cause the death of animals due to their arrogance or negligence. Personal experience. :wink:
    <br><br>Same lol I just find it soo hard to unleash my emotions out on people, then again saying that I did yesterday.... :D<br><br>I have spoken to my boss.... The lady WAS willing to pay half of what I have paid so far for him as boarding goes as she said it wasn't her fault and that it could have happened to anyone :shock: <br><br>So Mars phones this 'Moo' up and screams down the phone.... I mentioned the fact that it wasn't my final decision to let her ride him out on a hack, it was my bosses, though it hasn't affected my boss in any way shape or form it has affected ME! I said that he was going to be MY horse in under a month and that it was her daughters fault for testing her riding ability on a horse which quite frankly was compltely out of her league. I offered her Harry but no, so this lady is now paying for EVERYTHING, including the cremation fee's and the months boarding I had to pay (as I had to pay it in advance previously)<br><br> 8) I am happy i finally have some kind of justice.... I don't have Oscar though :(
  • Tattoo wrote:
    Xaetian wrote:
    Man, Tat would pwn them something awful.
    <br>I have a problem with people who cause the death of animals due to their arrogance or negligence. Personal experience. :wink:
    <br><br>Psh - I never said it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite, in fact :)
  • Good. Not that it erases the loss, but you wont be like me and have to worry about payinf for thousands in your dead horse's vet bills.
  • I don't need to pay for the vets bills. This lady has now finally agreed to pay the costs for everything. Including the insineration costs etc,.. <br><br>Speaking of which I went and picked them up this morning :cry: I can't get over the waste of such a good horse.....
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