Ya know. -shakes fist in the air like an old guy telling kids to get off his lawn-<br>I'm starting to get to the point to where I'm going to stop talking to novices that I even have a hunch will whine and moan about how they want a sponsor so they can make money, so they can post on bark park again, blah, Blah, BLAH! O.O Gah!<br>I'm getting so annoyed by this.<br><br>.One. Novices will -not- get the <span style="font-weight:bold">privilage</span> to post on the BP in-game ever again. :roll: I can't stress it enough that it's not a damn "right" it's a <span style="font-weight:bold">privilage</span> that they had. They abused it-so they got it taken away.<br>.Two. Yeah-I was kind of depressed and somewhat pissed that I couldn't post on the BP anymore 'coz of the novices that ruined it for everyone. :roll: And do you know what I did? Huh? Huh? HUH!? I worked mi ass of in RL to get enough money to buy miself a sponsor. I trimmed hedges, I brought mi grades up, I did more stuff around the house, etc etc so that I could get the measly $25 that it costs to be a sponsor on VP for a whole <span style="font-style:italic">year</span>. Most games cost over double that for 6 months! Damn! :shock: <br><br>I really don't understand why novices can't just be grateful that they can get a free account without paying anything! I mean-they can still breed, skill maxx, advertise (on the forums and chat), go on chat, etc etc. Yeah-it's limited, but what about the part where you remember that it was <span style="text-decoration:underline">free</span>? Meaning you didn't pay not a cent out of your pocket to be able to come on here and play?<br><br>-epic sigh-<br>Now that I'm in a bad mood. >.> <.< I'm done ranting..I think. o.0 I'm getting off just because I feel that if I see another novice piss and moan about it I'm going to completly flip and say something that might get me kicked off. -.-'