<br><br>? <br><br>I don't mean to rain on you specifically, but what kind of mental something or another? <br><br>As an example, my breed (the Cane Corso), even though it has a fairly small gene pool, the majority of them (bred by GOOD breeders) are stable minded. A litter out of a WELL PLANNED, a pair of healthy dogs, will 99.9% not throw unstable-minded dogs, a.k.a. a 'mental something or another.' Not accusing you of anything; sometimes these things happen out of no where but the most common cause is not taking stability and the brain/nervous system into account too.<br><br>As for cleft palate, I understand why you would cull them, but this lady just had an Am Staff litter, 2 of which had cleft palate, one died on its own... but they usually keep the cleft palates (granted they live) and fix it through surgery. Imo that's responsibility. I guess if you don't have extra cash for surgery then you shouldn't have taken the risk.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
We have a waiting list of like 50 people right now xD. We plan on breeding Erin,Annie, and Faith next time they are in heat.<br><br><br>And about putting down pups cause they dont have homes, what kind of breeder is that? Weve kept puppies for 2 years because they didnt have a home until we finally found one for them. <br>As far as I can remember we have put down 2 puppies one cause she had a cleft palette, and another was 6 months old and had gone through 3 owners, we took him to the vet a routine visit. and the vet said she thought he had mental problems, it was decided then and there it would be impossible to find an owner for him, and we didnt have the room for him.
<br><br>I wasn't meaning I am one of the breeders just to point out lol I see alot of UK and french breeders who breed constantly in which alot of the time they can't find homes for the puppies. I havn't bred in a year or two as there is no interest in Boxers and or ACS at this moment in time and so I wouldn't want to risk it. (Again not saying that I would resort to having pups put to sleep though I would not hae enough room to keep any of the litter if some pups didn't sell)
Um - if a puppy has a cleft palate, Reina, wouldn't that fit into your vent about being able to cull puppies that are fatally genetically deformed? o.o
No. Cleft palate is not fatal. <br><br>By fatally deformed I meant being born without a... a... bum hole, urethra, etc.. or perhaps as partially water-sack, partially alive. <br><br>Deformed is one thing, deformed in a way the puppy won't be able to live normally is another thing.<br><br>I can say that SOME Rhodesian Ridgeback fanciers cull their puppies that aren't born with a ridge. That is not a fatal deformity, but they do it anyway.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
Amen.<br><br>Couldn't have said it better.<br><br>My aunt has a jeck russel with cleft palate. It's not fatal, but not show-able, so take that into considderation.
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