(: ello!<br><br>Uhm, so Moony was kind of. . . MIA for a while there? . .<br>again.<br>hehe<br><br>anywhoo(: i'm back.<br><br>For those of you who don't know, I'm not playing in-game anymore. But<br>I'm on the forums still ;D . . obviously.<br><br>Reasons I have been gone:<br>1. summer funn(:<br>2. lotssss of dog shows<br>3. uhmm.. i'm too lazy to type in the website?
<br><br>Updates:<br>1. I'm down to 6 dogs now
We found pet homes for most of our older Berners because we wanted them to live the rest of their lives in pet luxury instead of living the show life still. They all went to people we know and see often, so we will still be able to see them. We now have only our two Newfoundland puppies (who aren't so puppy-ish anymore), Journey and Titan, my new Irish Setter puppy Ozzy, my boyfriends English Setter Daisy, and we kept two Berners. My own, Echo and one of my moms, Razzle.<br><br>*catches breathe*<br><br>2. school starts in a week... BOOOOO!
<br>3. i've moved. once again. lol<br>4. i miss the vp community.<br><br>:D <br><br>a funny picture i took:<br><a href="
http://tinypic.com/r/2uyoml4/3" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.