gah I keep forgetting to do this D;<br>I have the lines for one of the characters already too <br>I'll try to get it done this week as I have no net access so I'll be bored xD
Rawwr with very little entries after nearly a year o.O I'm finally ending this just because.. it needs to be done. I'm not sure if the earlier enterers even are playing anymore, so if anyone can let me know, that'd be great. If they are no longer playing I will choose others for their places possibly.<br><br><br>1st: Tina Wolf<br>(30 mill)<br><br><br>2nd: Evlon<br>(20 mill)<br><br><br>3rd: Karissa<br>(10 mill)<br><br><br><br>Thanks everyone for your entries ;D
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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