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Put her to sleep?!

edited August 2009 in Vent
So, basically my dad gets gets mad at everything and he gets caught up in the moment and doesn't think before he speaks when he's mad.<br>Well, one of our dogs [my oldest poodle] is eleven and she is blind, well in the middle of the night when we are asleep she can't hold her bladder very long so she ends up peeing in front of the door (she rarely does it), well he got really angry today because she did it last night, he mopped up the mess and he was like "we are putting that dumb dog to sleep" I was like WHAT?! that is <span style="font-weight:bold">MY</span> dog, you can't do anything to her with out <span style="font-weight:bold">MY</span> permission. And THEN my grandpa said she's misserable and to just put her to sleep anyways! WTF?! No she is NOT! She is possibly the most active elderly dog out there, she loves to play with the pups, barks, she loves to go on walks-infact she will end up walking you because she gets so excited, she loves to play with her toys. What do they expect an old dog to be like?! I mean seriously...if a elderly human went blind, they wouldn't be putting them to sleep! -.-


  • Thats a bit harsh of them... If she likes doing all those things thats great.<br><br>Although I do remember my childhood best friend - Zero, an Aussie cattle dog. He had horrible arthritis and hip problems last year and although he loved playing and what not he was in alot of pain when he wasn't doing that. So we had to put him down ='[ I didn't want him to go but I know it was his time.<br><br>Not saying you should do that but yeah.
  • If she's not in pain, there really isn't much of a reason to put her to sleep. Many blind dogs can get around just fine. You should tell your dad that. But he was probably just upset with her. My dad call my dogs flea bags, rotten beasts, and threatens to get rid of them a lot, but he's either joking, or just angry about something. :roll:
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  • She's deffinatly not in pain. :p<br>She likes to sleep a lot if we aren't active in the house, or not outside running around. XD<br>But other than that you wouldn't think she was blind at all.
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