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Banner Contest!! [Must See Banner Contest]

<span style="color:violet">First place gets: <br>2 mil thing is you get to pick what you want it in vhr or vp money or both you pick and also a male 10x4 border collie<br><br>Second place gets: <br>500k Vhr money or 250kp money and 250k Vhr money you pic and a 10x4 border collie female!!<br><br>3rd place gets:<br>200kk<br><br>Everyone gets 50k for entering!<br><br>I keep the banner of the first place winner!<br><br>Text: <br>I'm in trouble, I'm an addict. <br>I'm addicted to this girl.<br>Shes got my heart tied in a knot,<br>and my stomach in a whirl.<br>Subtext: Never Shout Never.<br>Pictures: Multi-colored peace signs!:D<br>Colors: Eh, just make it colorful.<br>Background: Black<br>Description: Pretty much what i'm wanting is the tet in really cool font in like the left side of the banner and then the subtext kind of in the middle ina different cool font and then the back ground black with a bunch of different colored peace signs! <br><br>Now go make that banner!:D<br>Thanks to all the entries!!<br></span>
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