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School-Time Lines by Vampyre Designs [closed]

Ok, so I probably won't be able to do many things on the computer other than school work while I'm in school. But I plan to atleast be able to do something artsy for the VP community. ^^ So lineart will be open. ^^<br><br>examples: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><br>Form:<br>;
playername/number:<br>animal:<br>pose:<br>markings:<br>references (if applicable and not already listed)<br>colour pallete (if applicable, not needed):<br>colours (if not above):<br>size (if applicable):<br>text:<br>background:<br>other:<br>price:
<br><br>Slots:<br>1. Buffers<br>2.<br>3.<br>4.<br>5.


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