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LEGO Land...GUhhhh.

First of all, I possitively <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">Hate</span></span> Legos. I'm way to impatient to put them together, I hate how some fool before you SMUSHED them together real hard and if you try to pull them apart one goes flying and hits you in the eye, and if you push them together because they won't fit well you pinch your finger really hard. T^T And I <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="text-decoration:underline">hate</span></span></span> how whenever I'm forced into the Lego store this nerdy dude always <span style="font-style:italic">litterly</span> has to tell me about every single lego in the store. down to the little bitty peices you could inhale.<br><br>Guess where I'm going tomarrow...Dun dadda dun,<br><br>Lego Land. <br><br>I posted because I was wondering if anyone had ever been there? I've never been there because it's pretty expensive to get in, but it's an early birthday present for my snotty brother. I do like admiring Lego art when it's finish, it's fantastic, it is, but how was it? Does anyone know?<br><br>I'd really apreciate feed back about Lego Land, and your feelings tords those little blocks in general. ;C;<br><br>Thank youu. :3
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