So...I can honestly say that I want to beat my boyfriends ex in the head....with a stick.

<br>She...I don't know. She IRKS me....if that's even a word. 0_o<br>Anyways, she sent some chain mail crap to my man [lol]. -.- And he replied saying look I don't know who this is and I don't have time for little kid games, I'm at work and don't have time to figure out who you are...then she replied saying "hehehehe" So he gave me the number and come to find out it was her, she wouldn't tell me at first who she was, so I called she hung up on me...then said if I don't answer the first time what makes you think I'm gonna answer a second or third time. So then I was like oh hi -insert name here-. She doesn't know when to leave us alone she says she "doesn't give a damn" about us, but then why does she have to constantly message us and bug us. >.> She even said she has a boyfriend who loves and cares and bsodhtgjghdjgfsgjfhg. GAWSH! If someone actually loves her then why MUST she "rub it in our face" not like we give a care who the hell shes with.<br>Then me and her got in a big fight and said non VP appropriate words to each other, actually I said more. Probably made her cry. What made it funny was she said her boyfriend would beat my -cough- um...butt, yes there we go...butt. >.> Does she not know who my boyfriend is?! He can take on ninjas with his hands tied behind his back...seriously.<br>I know shes jealous, if she wasn't wouldn't she leave us alone?<br>I need help with this, I've never been in a stalker freak ex kind of thing.