<span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75">I've been venting a lot lately, I know... and I am ashamed for it.<br>Thing is, if you don't vent for a long time (which I didn't), you tend to explode afterwards.<br><br>This time I'm going to vent about the animal shelter.<br>I love all the animals in the shelter - and that's where I got Maggie, my newest dog.<br>We've only had her for about 9 days now and I LOVE her. She's so sweet and cuddly.<br><br>This is the information the shelter told us:</span></span><br><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75"><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">- Maggie is approx. 1-2 years<br>- Maggie is house trained<br>- Maggie gets along with most dogs<br>- Maggie might not be spayed<br>- Maggie might chase cats<br>- Maggie might/might not like water<br></ul></span></span><br><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75">Ah, okay. That's fine. I expect a shelter dog to be like that. I'll train her.<br><br>But. Instead...</span></span><br><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75"><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">- Maggie is not very house trained<br>- Maggie is too dominant towards other dogs<br>- Maggie is not spayed<br>- Maggie does chase cats, frequently<br>- Maggie is okay with water, but scared of it sometimes<br>- Maggie has food aggression towards dogs<br>- Maggie pulls on the leash<br>- Maggie barks at passing people<br>- Maggie chews anything she can get her mouth around<br>- Maggie takes off when the door's open<br>- Maggie won't sit, lie down, or come on command<br></ul></span></span><br><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75">Some of these habits we've dialed down, but many she won't give up. Well, It's only been nine days.<br><br>What pisses me off is they don't pay enough attention to the dogs. They feed and walk them, get their vaccinations/spayings sometimes... but that's about it. They don't have a training program where they carefully introduce dogs to others that aren't their size or gender. They don't socialize them with people a lot. <span style="font-style:italic">The dogs are not even attempted to be trained basically.</span> And then they tell people interested in adopting all this "assumed" stuff and say it's true. Then you get the dog and she's everything you've been looking for affectionate-wise but never training-wise. o_O I think it reduces the dog's chances of finding a permanent home.</span></span><br>
I think it reduces the dog's chances of finding a permanent home.
<br><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:75">I say this because my mom is complaining about Maggie now and saying, "We can take you back to where you came from, you brat" whenever Maggie is found with one of her socks or gloves in her mouth. Which means she does have a chance at being taken back to the shelter if her behavior worsens or does not change.<br><br>Agh. I like Maggie. Whether she won't sleep in my room with me or not. >.> I'd hate to see her go back to the pound... that would upset me.<br><br>Suggestions on training Maggie? -sighs-</span></span>
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"