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One of my friends, you may know him but Hardcoremagic...he seems mad at me and hasn't gotten on at all and said anything to me... I plan to not get back on VP if he doesn't get on soon, I just don't think I deserve to if he is mad at me....
**Loving Life and Every Minute of It!!!!**


  • I believe hardcore took a break or something of the such last time I heard.. :wink: <br>And that's not really a reason to stop getting on VP, even if he's your friend. :?
  • It's not just that actually, its also because it seems VP doesn't want me...I have had numerous people, although I didn't know them or ever speak with them, tell me that I don't deserve to be on here and what I figured to stay off, if you can understand that...
    **Loving Life and Every Minute of It!!!!**
  • Who cares what people tell you? I don't, that would be why I'm still on. I've had someone tell me they were going to blackmail me, I've had multiple people tell me to just leave and/or they were going to report me coz I said the stats on their dog sucked therefore I didn't want to buy it.<br>But we all see me on VP rather often (well, most of us). Big deal if random people tell you that you don't deserve something, they don't know you-so how the hell would they know what you do and don't deserve? o.0
  • Perhaps your right, but from my view, if I'm not wanted why would I still play?
    **Loving Life and Every Minute of It!!!!**
  • Because you're individual and just because a few random people don't want you doesn't mean nobody wants you on here. :)
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Ok, first off. . . Why would you care what others think?!<br>You don't know them.<br>They don't know you.<br><br><br>Yes, they are wrong for judging you and all. . .<br>But if your listening to them and are going to leave, your only rewarding them.<br><br>There are soooo many people on VP who hate me.<br>But look at me, I'm here! Proud and strong! :twisted: <br><br><br>And I shove my art work, prized dogs, graphics, and training abilities in their faces! -not litterally but I can tell thats why they're hatin lol-<br><br>Anyways, if you want to leave because your tired of the game or you need a rest, thats fine.<br>But leaving cause a few people said some unkind things isn't right.<br><br>Like I said above, your only rewarding them.<br>Wouldn't it be much sweeter if you grew?<br>Get trained dogs and win huge cash?!<br>Begin making layouts or graphics and strive to make them the best on VP?!<br>Reach top kennel list? :D<br><br>Something?<br>That would really show them that, hey, this person is a fighter -Christina Agulaira pops in singing Fighter- :lol: <br>
    <br><br>Hardcore is one of my good friends on here too.<br>PM me if you want to know what really happened.. .<br><br>Hardcore wouldn't stay mad at someone forever. . .<br>He's gotten mad at me before and I've gotten so mad at him, I blew him off for a whole day *sigh*<br>And he forgave me.<br><br>What can I say, the kid is a good guy lol :lol:</span></span>
  • I appreciate your kindness, but I still will feel unwanted...I mean your the only one that has replied to my post... :(
    **Loving Life and Every Minute of It!!!!**
  • I say forget people! xD<br>I have had unkind things said to me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit what I love doing, half the people on here that say unkind things have zero idea what they are talking about, we are all insane here.<br>Not like you actually know us or we know you in real life, this is just a game and everyone gets so uptight nowadays over petty little things.
  • bobbers has replied also. -nods- btw-bobbers should lemme know what happened too, yes.<br>-edit-<br>and avla. ^^
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">LMAO! <br>I wrote a long post but we probably posted near the same time so its cool XD<br><br><br>And just pm me :wink:</span></span>
  • Avla wrote:
    I say forget people! xD<br>
    <br><br>I agree.<br>screw people.<br>some people just suck. xDD<br>not that i'm saying you should be a loner for the rest of your life. o_o;<br>anyways.<br>[/hijack]
  • XD its alright hun. Ur not totally hated. Look at al lthe great people who have replied to this post. Just try talkin to them XD Pm me if ya want to. And i was friends with hardcore too *drove me crazy sometimes and bobby knows why lol* but he didnt quit cuz he's mad at you trust me. ^-^
  • dont listen to what people say :wink: bet they're just jealous.. like i am of bobby :P if they are just gonna be horrible, its them that dont deserve to be on the game, not you! Ive had one person who was -foul- to me and i did nothing wrong.. they were horrible to other people and ended up being hated and leaving. look at all the people that have replyed, they certainly want you on here. When i first joined -many- years ago, i ran a puppy mill and stuff.. i admit it, i didnt understand the game, and i had people who i thought were 'higher' and they were downgrading to me and stuff, but look at me now :) i can make banners/linearts, which people buy, i have many millions, and have owned two sponcer accounts in that past, ive bred a 10x4 greyhound and have many good showdogs, whilst those people were in dept and breeding rubbish dogs. Dont listen to them, because in the long-run, youll be the one whos laughing :D

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Thank you! I appreciate all of your kind words....I have now learned something new :lol: and that is from what all of you were trying to get through my thick skull....don't listen to others who don't love this game as much as I or anyone of you do.....You guys are the best!
    **Loving Life and Every Minute of It!!!!**
  • Thank you! I appreciate all of your kind words....I have now learned something new :lol: and that is from what all of you were trying to get through my thick skull....don't listen to others who don't love this game as much as I or anyone of you do.....You guys are the best!
    <br><span style="font-size:75"><br><br><span style="color:blue"><br>Yay!! :D<br>Thats the spirit!!</span></span>
  • Thank you! I appreciate all of your kind words....I have now learned something new :lol: and that is from what all of you were trying to get through my thick skull....don't listen to others who don't love this game as much as I or anyone of you do.....You guys are the best!
    <br><br>Thats the way to look at it ^-^ in the long run youll be the one who pwns them XD
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