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>.O I -hate- Tents.

edited August 2009 in Vent
I liked to use them for sleep overs in the backyard, or just for a place to sleep in other than the quiet trailer while camping.<br><br>I was packing up the one in the backyard a few minutes ago to take to the campsite my family's at so me and my friend can stay in it - that way we don't have to be unbelieveably quiet when everyone else goes to bed at around 10:00 to 11:00. We can't even -talk- when we're in the trailer because my family tells us to shut up and go to sleep. xD So, whatever. We'll stay in the tent away from the trailer. =D<br><br>Or not. I went to take the poles out from the tent and get this: the elastic in them -snapped- D:< IT SNAPPED. Aren't they supposed to be elasticky and springy - so they don't snap? e.o I wasn't even pulling on it or anything. I was folding them up the proper way (the same way they'd been packed when we first got the tent) and it snapped. ;_;<br><br>Of course since no one else is home, I'm going to get blamed for it. My parents will just tell me I wasn't being careful enough and that I'm not allowed to any tents anymore. D;<br><br>What makes me so mad that the elastic snapped is that I've slept in that tent once. We've set it up once, slept in it, and I was taking it down for the first time. I've taken tents down before. This tent was no different; maybe even easier.<br><br>Everything else is fine. Nothing else ripped, snagged, snapped, or broke in any way. Which is good.<br><br>BUT THE STRING... IT SNAPPED. ;_____;<br><br>Now where will me and my best friend sleep where we can actually talk? o.o<br><br>Grr. -vent over-<br>Thanks for reading. I know I'm whiney. xD


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