Okay due to the fact that sister and niece have been visiting longer than planned, and things have been busy busy busy, I'm moving everything in the Olympics forward a week.<br><br>So you now have until 11:59 pm EST on Saturday August 8th to enter dogs. Events will start on the 9th. I'll change the dates on the Olympics pages later (it's 2am
:P)<br><br>I apologize if this inconveniences anyone, I just don't get much of a chance to get on the computer when sister and niece are here.<br><br>I'm still accepting VP cash donations for prizes
<br><br>Also, some groups don't have many entries, so there is a good chance of getting a prize
:P<br><br>If you will be away for some of the events (events will be up for a week), don't worry, still enter. You can have someone else enter your dogs for you while you are away simply follow these steps:<br><br>1. Post on the Olympics Entry post the name, forum name and kennel address of the person who is entering your dogs for you.<br><br>2. Lease your dogs to the person, ensure that you click allow competing.<br><br>3. The person enters your dog in the event you will be away for<br><br>4. The person sends your dog back to you so that the dog still shows up under your name in the event
<br><br>Ta da! Your dog still shows even though you had no computer access