<span style="font-size:75">I'm curious. xD<br>We're planning on moving in the next year or so. It might be to a rented house or apartment for a while, but once we're settled and all(I'll be 16-17 then) I'll have hopefully saved up enough by job and random work to maybe persuade my parents on another dog. I never brought that topic up again, even though I'm DYING to. It's just not right to the dog to get it and then be moving from place to place. But I'd love to have a decent amount of research done on some particular breeds to shorten the "looking" process.<br><br>And about college, I'm planning on doing a community college at first, so I can stay close to home, and then once I'm more firm on what I'd like to do, get my degrees and things, like my mom did(she went to three different colleges). <br><br>And we've been doing some just-for-fun searching with houses. And yard wise, we've always looked at a minimum of one acre. So, it'd be a fair amount of room for any breed. And the house would be a good size too, we're interested in one levels, especially since by then Bella will be.. 9-10 years old(my baby!) and I don't want too much happening to her involving stairs. I've heard too many horror stories. But yeah, and then around four bedrooms. So.. We'd like more room really.<br><br>This is what I was like with Auzzy(and preferred!). <br><br>He woke me up at 5:30-6am. I'd take him out, maybe jog him a few times around the yard, then bring him back in. I'd eat my breakfast then feed him. When he was done I'd tell my mom I was going to walk him and we'd go on a regular course. Which was down about.. 5 minutes to a school, walk back, then run to the school and back twice, then walk there and back again to cool down. We don't have a great neighborhood right now, I don't go far on my walks. And that was what his walks always we. And he'd get 10-15 or more a day. <br>He'd also get tied on a leash and we'd run together, over his agility equipment and just playing chase/fetch. Every day. <br>So I was pretty active with him. Bella.. Not so much. If I go on a walk with her, as soon as I turn to go back to the house she's SHOOTING to go back. Like.. ZOOM! She -hates- her walks. Which is so weird for a dog! Not even her (gasp!) treats persuade her. So we go to the park which is about 5 minutes by driving sometimes, but she's not really an active dog. <br><br>That being said, I'd love an active dog again. I don't think I'm ready for say, a border collie, I mean. Auzzy was a pain in the rear half the time and he was only an aussie shepherd!<br>I'd -love- to get a wire-haired pointing griffon, but I just don't know how that would work out. I see them in the shelters sometimes(there's a purebred from petfinder from hunting lines right now. But not from my state.) but they're not common breeds. <br><br>My mom is super picky with looks too. She hates chihuahuas for instance. She likes medium sized dogs, no APBTs though(stupid BSL. D;).. Yeah.<br>I doubt this will turn out, but hey, it's in a few years time, and worse come worse, I get one after college or during, if I end up in a pet friendly apartment that I can afford. XD</span>
Boz's Art Dump
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Boz's Art Dump
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .