It seems like i've lost everyone lately, I lost all relationship with my parents long ago, so my friends have been all i've had. Most of my best friends were two years older than me. I never thought much of it, since i've always been more mature than people my age. Well recently, my best friend graduated high school and started hanging out with a few new people and i'm like "Whatever" and didn't think much of it at all. Well, about a month and a half ago he told me he didn't want any friendship with me at all anymore, the reason he gave me was that I was too young. This didn't seemed to be a problem for the 6 years before.(Yeah, wed been friends for 6 years). Well, What do you do when someone tells you they don't want anything to do with you anymore? Move on right? Well our relationship was so strong everyone in my family thought of him as family. So he started telling everyone it was my fault we were friends. <br>I'm not posting because I want to be his friend, no I could care less. I'm not at all the type of person to plead for friends. But since we stopped being friends, I lost that whole group of friends. Which was everyone. So now i'm like 100% along(With the exception of family). But family can only get you so far. I think strong friendships are a good thing to have?<br>But what are you supposed to do when you have none? Start over? I'm just like really stuck. : /<br><br>If you read that, you rock.

Thanks Lyc!
28 weeks along -2/13-
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