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edited August 2009 in Vent
No not bee hives not ant or wasp hives... real on the skin hives. they are ichy and red the cover your whole body. they get in the way of puting on clothes because they sit on were your shirt and pants go.... they are so frustrating.<br><br>okay so this is a stupid rant.<br><br><span style="font-size:75"><br>(BTW i do have hives if your woundering)</span>


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Dang, I'm sorry to hear that. . . :?<br>Do you have like a special cream that you can put on<br>to make the itching go away?</span></span>
  • Yeah... i would have taken benadril but i had none so i am trying cream three (the frist two didn't work)
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Wow, that must suck.<br>I've never had hives before but I've been attacked by 4 bees at the same time. ..<br>Are they anything like bee stings? :? </span></span>
  • No bee stings go away hive just kind of sit there and ich.. i would take bee stings over hives.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue"> :shock: <br>Wow, I'm soooo sorry!<br>I remember those bee stings being killer >.><br>Though, I was only about 6-7 when it happened lol<br><br><br>I hope they go away soon.</span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">I TOTALLY feel your pain.<br>I'm allergic to grass, but it depends on the conditions of it whether the hives will be severe or not.<br>It's a pain in the ass, let me tell you.<br>Cause I can't just take allergy medication everyday, so I only take it when I plan on being outside in grassy areas on in the trees or something.<br>But there's always those times I get stuck without it. <br><br>What do you get them from?<br>And yeah, with the clothes rubbing it's like, 10x worse.<br>I also have a hard time finding creams that work.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • :shock: that sound dificult...<br><br>I am not really sure were i got it from. my mom think it was something i ate and then my dad thinks it is a severe reaction to posion ivy or somthing like that.<br><br>i woke up this morning and no hives... and then they came back like 20 minutes later... *sigh* back to the store to buy another cream and maybe some benidril.
  • Argh! Hives. -mumbles-<br><br>I feel your pain.<br><br>I'm allergic to cats.<br><br>My neighbors have cats,<br>My brothers friends have cats,<br>People from my parent's work have cats,<br>My best friend has cats,<br>My Aunt, Grandma, and other Aunt have cats.<br><br>They drag their cat hair all over my house and I break out in hives randomly all over the place&Nothing sooths it. >.<
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I got hives at school one time. ;__; -whimpers-<br>I have no clue what I may be allergic to. :[<br>I was in art class and the itched and itched and got more and more red. D:<
  • wow that must suck mondy... <br><br>garfield you might be allergic to latex. my friend can't take art anymore because of it ...
  • Nala wrote:
    wow that must suck mondy... <br><br>garfield you might be allergic to latex. my friend can't take art anymore because of it ...
    <br><br>Yah, being allergic to latex is super serious and so are all other allergies. My mom is allergic to latex and I am allergic to everything. Well, not litteraly, but that is what everyone says. But if you are getting hives, it is almost deffinetly an allergic reaction, either something you ate or something you touched. Be careful
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