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and here we have mi first attempt at....--->

Animating! woo! -dances but fails and falls on face- o.0<br>so anyways, I've attempted mi first animated banner. -nods-<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>the banner looks pretty bad..but I was just trying for a layout thingy so it's not a final banner or anything so..only crit/comments on the animation part. :wink:


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I loves it!! :shock:<br>-pets wolves-</span></span>
  • thankies. ^^ you can come to mi house when I get mi wolves. -nods- we can go sleep and howl with them. ^^ xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">-dances-<br>Your getting wolves in RL?! :shock: </span></span>
  • I am as soon as I move out and find out how to get the liscense. -nods- I'ma get a whole pack and live with them. ^^ they're gonna be rocky mountain wolves/eastern timber wolves. <3 :D
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Your so lucky!!!!! :D<br>Yus, I wanna come and play and howl! lol</span></span>
  • lmao. we must keep in touch! o.o I have about 5 more years to go until I will be able to get them and make sure they're kept healthy and the whatnot. -nods-
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Thats so cool! :D<br>Yus, we must >.></span></span>
  • -nods- I will name one of the femmes bobbykit. ^^
  • I am as soon as I move out and find out how to get the liscense. -nods- I'ma get a whole pack and live with them. ^^ they're gonna be rocky mountain wolves/eastern timber wolves. <3 :D
    <br><br>Hey, I know this is kind of driving off the art subject, but I just wanted to point out that you can't live with a pack of purebred wolves. Living with one is still extremely dangerous, but a whole pack is asking for trouble and, well, let's just say you won't last long ;) Wolves are my favorite animal and so yes, I know much about them. I love my vampy so I'm just looking out for you <3 I know some people have packs of wolf hybrids but if so, then the dogs have been bred for years to be more friendly around humans. Even so, there have been many, many accidents because people forget that wolves are meant to be in the wild, not around people. That's just it and it's how they are ;)<br><br>-failage motherly thing over-<br><br>I like the animation, by the way. I've never been able to figure out animations x_x -fail-
  • If you get a white one name eet Mondy! XD<br><br>&&I love the banner, it doesn't look bad P:<br><br>Try more complicated animations, I see a future in it. ^.^
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • lmao. I know dusters. >.> I'm waiting so many years so that I can read up everything possible and start with wolf hybrids as soon as I move out. Then occasionally going in with mi pures. -nods- I'ma try and get most of them as pups so I can hand raise them, something like a rescue I guess you could say? o.0 but yeah, that's what I gotta make sure I remember, wild, not domestic. <br>btw-thankies. ^^<br><br>and mondeh-okies. ^^ and I plan on it when I get some time.
  • Vamp, if it's what you really want to do, I'm not going to be one to stop you ^^ I just wasn't sure how much you knew already (I know many people who think "oh yeah, wolves, that will be fun" and then accidents happen) But it sounds cool as long as you know what you're doing! I would like to visit a wolf sanctuary sometime but I don't think I'm up to having my own lol. Good luck ;)
  • lmao. thanks for the luck. ^^ -wraps up and puts in a box so it won't expire- :lol: I plan on visiting as many as I can too, I want to help with the work at one before I start mi own too. :)
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