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I am convinced.



  • My cousin got tangled up in the chain because he was messing with the dog. 0.o He got what he deserved.<br>I just said that gettting Chansey [our rottie] wasn't the best of ideas because she got out of control.<br>And again, if you think I hate the breed go back and read my post, I said I wouldn't feel comfortable owning the breed.<br>But, it's nice to see everyones oppinon.
  • Im late too but oh well.<br><br>This kinda upsets me as although i dont OWN a pitter, They are my favourite breed of dog EVER, if it wasnt for the fact that they are banned where i live, id have 10 ..<br>if you dont want it to snap at small animals/children after it shows possible signs of aggression muzzle it (like out on a walk or at someone elses house) dont just .. not get one because of some storys.<br><br>I personally.. Have witnessed my mum get attacked by a terrier mix, yet we look after a terrier mix and love her to peices.. <span style="font-weight:bold">I</span> got attacked by a wheaton terrier but wheaty owns like 50 and theyve never done anything/ atm im boarding 2 slightly aggressive yorkies.. MORE aggressive then the ROTTWIELER i boarded 2years ago.. and i use to have 2 black labs attack each other over the top of me . . yet my fave dog i walk is a black lab.. <br><br>So, dont even let personal expirences cloud your judgement over an entire breed.
  • Avla wrote:
    My cousin got tangled up in the chain because he was messing with the dog. 0.o He got what he deserved.<br>I just said that gettting Chansey [our rottie] wasn't the best of ideas because she got out of control.<br>And again, if you think I hate the breed go back and read my post, I said I wouldn't feel comfortable owning the breed.<br>But, it's nice to see everyones oppinon.
    <br><br>i'm sorry you didn't throughly read the two novels i wrote, i never said you said hated the breed, and agreed with the fact that not feeling comfortable around them is a damn good reason to not get one. <br><br>pretty much any dog is able to be controlled, it just depends on the owner's knowledge and how much time they're willing to put into the dog. <br><br>some dogs are bred to be watch dogs, which means they are absolutely aggressive. it's all about control on the owners part. take a breed known for being mild mannered, put it in a bad situation, and watch it act aggressively, even if it's acting that way out of fear.<br><br>prevention. prevention. prevention.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • of my dogs is a watch dog o.O<br>hes not aggressive not one bit...unless someone trys to hurt us...
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • ugh, nevermind. it's pointless to try to have a discussion when people selectively read and then try to debate on a section of a statement. <br>stuck inside the box and can't get out i guess.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • <br> some dogs are bred to be watch dogs, which means they are absolutely aggressive. it's all about control on the owners part. take a breed known for being mild mannered, put it in a bad situation, and watch it act aggressively, even if it's acting that way out of fear.<br><br>prevention. prevention. prevention.
    <br>i read the whole section...<br>and i wasnt trying to make you mad..i was just saying :wink:
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • She didn't say all watch dogs are aggressive. Fila Brasileiro, Caucasian Ovtcharka for example are extremely LOYAL to their family members but downright grumpy to anyone else. Aggression was bred into them, whether that means they were bred with unstable nerves or what, I don't know. <br><br>All the guard-type dogs are guard dogs for a reason! Not because they're big or scary looking (not foremost the reasons anyway) but because they have an instinct to protect their territory and pack. That is <span style="font-weight:bold">stable</span> aggression. Pure protection. On the other hand, a couple of Pit Bulls running the streets mauling the ones who run away is not stable aggression. It is prey-driven aggression a.k.a. hunting like all dogs CAN and will do if given the chance. The thing is, a well-socialized, well-bred prey driven Pit Bull can be as sweet as pie if given the chance too.<br><br>It really all comes down to socialization and discipline.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Avla wrote:
    My cousin got tangled up in the chain because he was messing with the dog. 0.o He got what he deserved.<br>I just said that gettting Chansey [our rottie] wasn't the best of ideas because she got out of control.<br>And again, if you think I hate the breed go back and read my post, I said I wouldn't feel comfortable owning the breed.<br>But, it's nice to see everyones oppinon.
    <br><br>i'm sorry you didn't throughly read the two novels i wrote, i never said you said hated the breed, and agreed with the fact that not feeling comfortable around them is a damn good reason to not get one. <br><br>pretty much any dog is able to be controlled, it just depends on the owner's knowledge and how much time they're willing to put into the dog. <br><br>some dogs are bred to be watch dogs, which means they are absolutely aggressive. it's all about control on the owners part. take a breed known for being mild mannered, put it in a bad situation, and watch it act aggressively, even if it's acting that way out of fear.<br><br>prevention. prevention. prevention.
    <br><br>I read all of your post.<br>I wasn't directing this at you, I just wanted to let everyone know that I don't hate the breed.<br>And as Reina said the pitbulls I have encountered where "hunting" I wouldn't mind owning one but I'm going to take responsibility and not chose to get one becuase I don't think I would be able to handle a dog such as that, ecspecially if it was aggresive to other animals, as I want several. I have been attacked by two dogs in my whole life, but it was only because one was food aggresive and it was my fault becuase I knew she was, but she bit my hand enough to make it bled, but she didn't rip my hand off. :X Even the most stable and gentle of animals can show thier true side. [And I mean all dogs.]
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