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I am convinced.

edited July 2009 in General Discussion
-Very long story-<br><br>Last night around 11-11:30 I was in bed while watching TV then all of a sudden a blood hurdling scream come from down the street.<br>My parents went outside and I hopped out of bed, it sounded like someone was being murdered.<br>When we reached the end of the strret where the screaming came from we saw two pitbulls dash off the opposite direction of us, [by this time the whole street came out with thier pistols.] Well, the man from the house came over and said that those two pitbulls had almost completly ripped his wifes hand off and then they sarted pulling apart thier puppy, one had the head and the other had the tail...[they both were saved] moments later the man that lives directly behind us on the next street came down and told us his dogs went physco when they saw the pitbulls, and he followed the pitbulls down toward where we were. [but, they weren't on our street.] Then we told him what happened, and suddenly out of no where the dogs came running down our street. They stopped and started barking at the neighboors and started to chase the man, finally the cops arrived and then shortly after the owners of the dogs arrived...those dogs where bred to fight and are now being put to sleep.<br><br>I hate how humans could careless if thier animal attacked another animal or let alone a human, if that was to have been a child they would have most likely been killed.<br>I don't blame the dog more than I blame the human, but I am now convinced I do not want a pitbull no longer, sure they make loyal, protective pets. But, I don't see them as being family pets because they where made to fight, even if they weren't trained to attack, I've heard of several stories of them attacking small children and other household pets when you would have never thought they would have done it. <br>I love big dogs and surely I do want labs and boxers, but you can never predict what will happen next.


  • If you know you are going to get hated on, why do you make such posts? This is a very sensative subject to many people, <span style="text-decoration:underline">me included</span>. Think before you post. <br><br>Sorry... motherly rant over.<br><br>Obviously, the owner of the two dogs were irresponsible and have no business owning this breed of dog. The dogs need to be removed from the home and placed in a shelter or rescue. If they are "aggressive" then they NEED to be euthanized. There is no excuse for a human aggressive dog OF ANY BREED. Animal aggression is a totally different story. APBTs were bred to be animal aggressive. You need to take that into account when bringing one into your home. For the most part, they do not do well with small animals especially. There are some exceptions, as there is with every rule. But still, the owners need to be responsible for what their animals did.
  • I never said I blamed the dog, I blamed the owner.<br>Of course I love pitbulls never would I want to see this happen to them.<br>They are being euthanized for mauling a womans hand off and almost killing a puppy.<br>I really love them, no doubt about it.<br>I even had a friend who told me that he had a well behaved gental pitbull and then all of a sudden it snapped and killed his cat.
  • >.> That was just one pair of dogs, most pits are great dogs. I'm gonna stop before I totally rant, but, if you judge a whole breed off of one experience, then, you may not even want a dog, bottom line. If your dog did one bad thing would you hate the breed forever?<br><br>I own labs, I had a pair of labs break into my chicken pen and kill them all, I still love labs and am getting another one soon.<br><br>My aunt got attacked by her golden retrievers when breaking up a fight. She's gotten 3 new ones since then.<br><br>Any breed can attack or bite someone, some breeds just have more stories about them.
  • I agree with Zagari... why post this if you KNEW it would stir people up? Theres no point in it.<br><br>And also.. i have a pit bull and she's the sweetest dog. She's never hurt a flea.. she gets scared during thunderstorms and i have to get her under my covers to calm her down.. does that SOUND like a born killer? Just because a breed is a bully breed douesnt mean its bred to be agressive.. i know a LOT MORE agressive small dogs.. but pits and bullys get the rep's because of the fact that theyre bigger... theyre not used to fight cuz theyre more agressive naturally.. its cuz theyre bigger. And i hate it. They dont deserve it. And changing your mind about a breed because you saw a poorly raised one prolly means you never truely wanted one in the first place.. i recommend a cat for you. You dont have to worry about them
  • I agree with Zag, vampy and Sap. You shouldn't have posted if you knew people were going to get a know.<br><br>I can see any breed of dog doing that. And personally-I would call any toy breed more aggressive than pits, mi whole family has a problem with pits for some reason or another other than me. I plan on getting a few even with hearing just about every story about them on mi side of the state, I look through blogs and whatnot just to see how immature people can be about them. Pomeranians scare me, they're levels and levels worse than any bully breed in mi opinion, why? I don't know, they just don't feel right. Even aggressive pits aren't aggressive because they were born that way, they were bred that way.<br><br>btw-those dogs would have been terrible for dog fighting anyway, they're suppose to be human friendly and dog aggressive. not aggressive in general. -shakes head- it just pisses me off to think about the reasons of why someone would want to make animals kill each other, there's really no good point in it, it's not natural. :roll: (I know fighting is natural, but they wouldn't purposly come across each other only to kill)
  • It WASN'T just ONE account that I have seen a mauling happen, and even though i said pitbulls, I know all dogs attack. And I wasn't pointing out your dog. :roll: I just mentioned a story that happened that was horrific to see, I even cried when everyone when down the street and held thier pistols up to shoot them. <br>It's not the fact that I hate them, I never siad I hated them.<br>I merely said I don't want to own one. I actually have grown up around large dogs. And of course, breaking up a fight would get you attacked. <br>If anything I would be one of the biggest animal lovers. But, when I have a seven year old sister and twelve year old brother who play outside all day I would not want ANY dog that wants to attack a human out on the streets.
  • Pomeranians scare me
    <br><br>My friends have two and they are quite aggresive. 0.o<br>But, they never socialize thier dogs.<br>I believe that is another thing that should be done at an early stage, socialzing.
  • See? Dont worry about getting a pit... worry about how you train whatever dog you DO get. It doesnt matter what the breed is. Early training is the key to ANY breed
  • edited July 2009
    See? Dont worry about getting a pit... worry about how you train whatever dog you DO get. It doesnt matter what the breed is. Early training is the key to ANY breed
    <br>Thanks, Vamp! I just think a pitbull would be overpowering for me to handle, I don't want to be an irrisponsible and just buy one because I feel like it that would do no justice to the world, I don't think I could have lived with myself if a dog of mine ever did that. ;-;
  • Ok. <br>Well my neighbors down the street have a very nice pibull.<br>He gets out of there gate every month or so when he digs a new whole through the fence.<br>(they fix it every time he makes a new hole. and it looks like he wont get out for awhile ;.; )<br><br>And every time he gets out he comes down to my house. He runs up to us when we come out to see him or are playing around outside.<br>And he will come up and lick you. <br><br>I love him :D <br>Cause he is so sweet. its not ALL pitbulls.
  • tiffer wrote:
    Ok. <br>Well my neighbors down the street have a very nice pibull.<br>He gets out of there gate every month or so when he digs a new whole through the fence.<br>(they fix it every time he makes a new hole. and it looks like he wont get out for awhile ;.; )<br><br>And every time he gets out he comes down to my house. He runs up to us when we come out to see him or are playing around outside.<br>And he will come up and lick you. <br><br>I love him :D <br>Cause he is so sweet. its not ALL pitbulls.
    <br><br>:lol: that's cute.<br>I've actually been bitten in the eye by a weeny dog. Now that's a breed I NEVER want again, mine is so annoying. >.> I tend to avoid him. :p
  • Actually a pit bull is a lot less likely to bit then a small breed is. People are usually very careful about how they train pits.. but then everyone LETS small dogs bite them cuz it doesnt hurt when theyre puppies. So the pit knows better and the small dog is the problem. Pits arent gonna be any harder to take care of that a lab or a chihuahua.. theyre easier actually.. i have ALL kinds of dogs.. all shapes and sizes.. and ive trained/socialized them ALL and i SWEAR our pit was the easiest one to do. Even though ALL of my dogs know better.. the lab is a dummy so he's always so entergetic and such a handul. My smaller breeds have so much energy and spirit theyre hard to train.. but pits are just so laid back naturally. And lets just say.. no matter how sweet they are theyre still good secrutiy systems... people woulnt come near your house cause you have one.. even if it would lick a burglar in the face if they tried XD
  • Avla wrote:
    See? Dont worry about getting a pit... worry about how you train whatever dog you DO get. It doesnt matter what the breed is. Early training is the key to ANY breed
    <br>Thanks, Vamp! I just think a pitbull would be overpowering for me to handle, I don't want to be an irrisponsible and just buy one because I feel like that would do no justice to the world, I don't think I could have lived with myself if a dog of mine ever did that. ;-;
    <br><br>We need more people that realize that the breed is too much for them to handle. Far too many people go out and get an APBT because they feel like they are saving it from something. When they get it home and it grows up they realize that the dog is too much for them because they didn't socialize it properly or they did not do any research on the breed before getting it. <br><br>In many cases, these are the people that have dogs going after other dogs or people. Undersocialized animals are not good for this breed. These are the dogs that end up being euthanized... which in many cases are better for the dogs themselves and the people around them.<br><br><br>On the other hand, a properly socialized, well bred American Pit Bull Terrier is the best dog. No breed can beat them in my opinion. They please their master to no end. They will not back down from any task you ask of them. They excel in most dog sports, including herding, dock jumping, agility, weight pull, and many, many more.
  • I've actually had a lab/ridgeback/pitbull mix, when I was five. She never wanted anyone to come near our house, then one day while I was at school, she got out attacked another dog and was brought to the pound. >.> worse thing is my dad never would tell me what happened. Then we got a rottweiler. Gah! that was not the best idea, she dragged my cousin around the backyard. [he got caught up in her chian.]
  • Well, I don't think that any of you want my opinion but since others were allowed to post, I will post what I think.<br><br>I've been a dog-lover my entire life and I love every dog I meet. Not just the pretty ones or the ones who like me the best, but <span style="text-decoration:underline">all</span> of them. But regardless of this, I respect the fact that pits were bred to fight. It's a fact we can't change. I'm sure that there are many sweet pits out there who would never hurt a fly, much less a person or other animal regardless of how the dog was trained or bred! But we need to accept the fact that the pit bull was a breed bred to fight and can very often lose control, unlike other breeds. The risk just comes with the breed and it can't be helped! Loving the pit more than your other dogs and training sweetly and perfectly the dog's whole life won't take away the breed's nature.<br>I, personally love the bigger, stronger, toughest, scarier, risk-filled breeds. I'd like to have a pit bull! But as someone else said, I have many other animals and several small children who could too easily be hurt. I can't say whether I will ever have a pit but I wouldn't mind one. So this isn't anything against the breed - it's just stating the facts.<br><br>This is what I believe, anyway.<br>Rant-ish is over :/
  • Buffy's turn...<br><br>For the longest time i was scared of pitts because, yes they are bred to fight. That was the point of the American Pitt Bull Terrier. But now alot of that has been bred OUT of them. Yes they are very powerful dogs, and i believe that they are more aggressive than other breeds. Hence i never owned one. There are more reported pitt bull attacks than any other breed in the US. But with ANY dog i believe that if you are scared to own one, Do not buy it. Dogs sence fear just as horses do and if you do not raise them right, they are going to act on that. <br>A friend of mine has a pitt/shar pei/red heeler mutt. He is my baby, he has the strength of a pitt and at first i was kinda cautious being around him but now i have no problem taking him out. He doesn't like cats, but loves other dogs. As far as i know he's had no problems with him and he doesn't even bark, just whines at other dogs. I plan to steal him in about a year =D<br><br>But as i said if you are not comfortable around pitts then they are definately not a breed that you need to own.
  • That's EXACTLY how I feel Dusty, but it's not that fact that I am afraid of them just the fact that I want to have children in the years to come and I need to be able to control my dogs, I'm very small only about 5 2 and if I feel that I can't control them because of many experiences then I shouldn't get the breed. I have never been catious of any breed of dog, there was once a German Shephard roaming our streets and I would feed him but he wouldn't let me pet him later on he was caught by animal control. I always went up to strange dogs even when I was little like 7,8, and 9 and wanted to pet it. My parents where always concerned saying "you don't know if that dog bites or if it has rabies" 0.o<br><br>One breed I really LOVE is the Great Dane, they make one of the perfect family pets. I actually want to start a career breeding them. :3
  • Ok i totally agree it was the owners fault...Most of the time pitbulls only attack your heart. They are great pet and companions. The are fierce lovers and are greatly protective. My little cousin had one that was Named Mojo. He was big and cuddly. And he NEVER attacked anyone cause he was loved.<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • That is a cute picture! But I must say that that dog doesn't look like a pit bull... Oh well. I'm glad he was loved.<br><br>Once more, WELL BRED APBTs are awesome with children. Back in the day a dog would get done with a fight and leave the pit to become a house pet again. Straight out of the pit they would let children climb on them and love on them. APBTs were bred to be dog aggressive, NOT human aggressive. This is one thing that many people forget. And while dog fighting is not something I agree with, it is part of my breed's history. I cannot deny history.
  • <br>APBTs were bred to be dog aggressive, NOT human aggressive. This is one thing that many people forget.
    <br><br>That's what I've been thinking about the pass few years I have wanted one.<br>I mean yeah I've seen them with other dogs but as you have said they are dog aggresive.<br>And I would like to have multiple dogs. <br>Now that I have seen what can become of them with lack of responsible owners, I think they should ONLY be put in homes where they can be an only dog or experienced dog handlers.<br><br>All dogs fight, of course. Not like ripping them to shreads.<br>But, since dogs are pack animals they fight to show pack order.
  • One of my best friends hates pitbulls. She says they were made to be killers. One time her exact words were "One day they're friendly and cute and cuddly, and the next day they turn on you and kill you!" :? <br><br>And she had two little dogs that they had to get rid of for biting! :roll: <br><br>I think it depends on how you treat and train pitbulls.<br><br>You here a lot of stories about them, but that doesn't mean their all mean and nasty killers. I blame the owners, not the dogs.<br><br>But saying all pitbulls are bad because of a couple attacks you heard of is kinda like saying all little girls are bad because of a couple rude brats you saw. :|
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I never said they where bad, again I said I would not want to own one. <br>I actually love the breed, never could I hate a dog.<br>It's sad to see owners let thier dogs go to waste, they deserve so much more.<br>I actually have small dogs, yes they are annoying, oh well. >.><br>But, they know not to bite.<br>I have poodles, and I love poodles to death I want more.<br>And yet, they have a bad rep for being an "ankle bitter" or "prissy dog" <br>like everyone has stated pit bulls are loving and caring when raised right, poodles are loving and caring, mine even think they are dobermans.<br>I think if you have actually been around that dog and experienced the same thing happen then you have a right to say something about it, but if your just saying it because of what you've heard then that makes it wrong.<br>Considering I have been in several pit bull situations I believe I can say I wouldn't feel comfortable owning one.
  • Avla wrote:
    I never said they where bad, again I said I would not want to own one.
    <br><br>I know, I wasn't directing it at you, just people in general.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Yeah, I've heard so many comments about them.<br>Someone I know said EXACTLY this. <br>
    "Pitbulls are useless to the planet they shouldn't even be in the world"
    <br>That broke my heart in two, I don't see how anyone can say anything like that. :roll:
  • being a dog owner is all about prevention. regardless of breed, you need to understand the individual dog's needs and train/PREVENT accordingly. every time any dog harms a human, it's the owners fault. your friend/cousin got tangled in the rottie's chain? it's b/c no one was watching closely enough. the rottie didn't entice the kid to come over and then wrap the chain around the kid. any dog mauling a human/animal could have been prevented. that's why there are leash laws.<br>dogs don't understand laws, they understand commands from a responsible owner who knows it's dogs breaking points and takes preventitive measures. a human should never put a dog in a situation where it can harm anyone else, and any dog that is percieved to have a tendency to do such should be supervised 100% of the time. <br>i absolutely agree that if you are nervous around apbts, you should def. not have one. i have 5 right now, and have had several since 1998 from different bloodlines, and it takes research to make sure you are getting a dog from lines that have been socialized and bred for tempermant and health and not color. and even then you aren't guaranteed to have a perfect dog. you have to train the dogs, and even after that you have to take preventitive measures every day. if your dog is aggresive, why in the world would you put it in a fence you know it can get out of?? <br>with any breed (remember the pom in 2000 that killed the baby?!) you are responsible for your dog 100%. a dog that mauls isn't always aggressive-it's had it's tail pulled and it's eyes poked repeatedly by a kid that isn't being supervised. imagine someone doing that to you for 30 mintues straight- you could be the sweetest person in the world and snap b/c you can't take it any more. 'i just went to the bathroom' isn't an excuse. that's enough time for a kid to unknowingly hurt a dog and make the dog defend itself. <br>people should understand that people have bred all breeds of dog for specific purposes, so it's our responsiblity to keep everyone safe. stop blaming breeds and start tuning into the reality of the situation.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • Well said Nutty.<br><br>A dog is a dog, first and foremost. We can't be humanizing them; that's one of the worst things you could possibly do.<br><br>
    If they are "aggressive" then they NEED to be euthanized.
    <br><br>I beg to differ. Dogs don't really know the difference between humans and their own kind. They are not like us. They need US to be "dogs" and to form a pack in the home, and when we don't, that is when they become human aggressive. <br><br>It is a dog's nature to attack and kill the weak, the sick, and the elderly. That is the way they keep survival of the fittest and the most robust ones go on to produce the next generation. When YOU as a dog owner (no matter what breed) show to your dog that you will not assert your role as Pack Leader, he will become aggressive to you and begin to control your house.<br><br>Incessant barking, pulling on the leash, not listening when corrected are all signs of a dominant dog that is not backing down because YOU are not facing up. Some dominant dogs need to know that YOU can "kill" them, and have the power to do so. That's taking it to the extreme and I can assure you MOST dogs are not that dominant, although I've heard a few stories with Malinois and working GSDs like that.<br><br>MOST aggression cases relate to dominance. A Pit Bull was bred to fight, yes, but do you think every single bloodline they were used for pitting? What about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier? Bull baiting. I don't know the exact year when the APBT and the SBT and the ASBT were "official," but I do know that hundreds of years ago SOME "Pit Bulls" were NOT used to fight.<br><br>Again, they are a dog first, and then a breed. Although, no questions about it, you do need to know its needs and character and what makes it tick. You can't be a Labrador Retriever-type person and get a Fila Brasileiro. You can't be a Great Dane-type person and get a Chihuahua, just for the hell of it. Every dog has different personalities and size is never more important than temperament. <br><br><br>I agree that I am slightly wary around Pit Bulls, but I can be cautious and be confident as well. When you know how to act around aggressive dogs, the dogs KNOW. They just do. They can sense your Pack Leader mentality. That is one of the reasons why an aggressive dog does not need to be euthanized. It might be an "easy" way out, but it is possible to replenish a psychotic mind.<br><br><br>T'is why I am in disbelief why some people have dogs. It's possible to love dogs but also discipline them LIKE A DOG. It's not going to cower away and be like, "Ohhhh Mommy doesn't want me anymore," like humans would. Dogs live in the moment, they don't THINK, they just REACT. <br><br>I really recommend reading some of Cesar Milan's books. I mean, that's just a piece of getting to know dogs as a whole, not just having one because it's cute and makes you feel good about yourself. I guarantee that in MOST cases, a dog is dominant-aggressive and people don't notice, or a dog is showing dominant behavior and the people just sluff it off and say, "Oh, that's so cute." This is a damn wolf's brother you got here. It's not cute when it bites. It means it's dominant!!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • okay, well this is my Opion..but...<br><br>I think there is absoultly no way you can judge a dog based on its owners... you say the owner tought it to fight? it fought a puppy right? that shows you how loyal they are to there owners they do ANYTHING to please there owners and what do they get out of it? Death? hatered? Scars, and a horriable life? you have to think about it this way...all dogs get into fights, i can name HUNDREDS of atacks by pit bulls...while i can ALSO name HUNDREDS of attcaks by rotties, chows, Akitas, wolfs, ect. If they end up banning pit bulls, dont you think dog fighters are gonna start fighting another breed? im sure the rottie, or american.staff will go next... Not all pit bulls are mean and aggrisseve.. its the way you treat them. :wink:
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • i just want to make clear, i'm not jumping on anyone weary of pit bulls. i understand the perception of the breed based on the media and personal experiences. stereotypes are born from repeated incidents. yes, there are a ton of ignorant, irresponsible pit bull owners. a ton of irresponsible dog owners period, but the ones that fight apbts and breed soley based on color, the ones that will sell these pups to anyone without any sort of screening-these are the ones that allow the breed to have such a horrible stigma. i take 2 of my dogs everywhere (minus the grocery store and work lol), and people's first reaction is fear, then astonishment at how laid back they are. we have a leash law in georgia that i disregard when we go to the park, because i know 100% that i am in complete control over my dogs with verbal commands. my dogs stay by my side, and when given permission run around and jump in the lake. if i call them back, i only have to say their names once and they return no matter what they're involved in. (still, obey the law!!) i have a female that is dog aggressive towards dogs she hasn't been introduced to, so she stays at home. i would never walk her without a leash, take her to a dog park or pet smart. would never let someone that isn't me or my boyfriend go anywhere with her. and yes this is a dog where i personally knew her ancestors 4 generations back, and yes she is still dog aggressive. i believe this is her personality and not b/c of her breed, b/c her parents and back are very laid back dogs. i could talk forever on this subject, but yeah, i do understand the fear and i wish the government would enforce laws that required training classes and background checks before dog purchases.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • This thread just goes to show that everyone has their own opinions. Opinions are just that... everyone has them. They are not right or wrong. I have many myself. :)<br><br>ilyanthony1995 - You are right to an extent. Usually when a city/state/country bans "pit bulls" they ban all pit bull-type dogs. APBT, AmStaff, Staffy Bull, American Bulldog, and mix or dog that appears to be a "pit bull." <br><br>Denver and Miami-Dade are pretty good examples that "pit bull" bans do not work. They have done studies that show there are more "pit bulls" in those areas now than there were before the bans. Italy and Holland recently lifted their nation-wide bans because they did not work. <br><br>If someone is breaking the law before (i.e. dog fighting), what makes people think they will obey a new law (i.e. pit bull ban)? But if all "pit bulls" were gone, I can guarantee that dog fighters would move on to a new bigger, better breed. In the size spectrum, APBTs are pretty small to medium sized dogs.
  • I know I am late but I wanna post here! lol.<br><br>See... The way avla stated it make it sound like she didn't like pitbulls because of the circumstances. She had said differently since then and I agree with her. I wouldn't want to own one either.<br><br>I have heard and seen what pitbulls can do and have done and it seriously bothered me but I never held it against the breed since I knew it was mainly the owners. Then my mom bought a pitbull, swore she never would be ended up doing it since he was being put to sleep in 20 minutes. Well we knew he wouldn't react too well since we got him at 7 months old which meant anything he was taught or had leaned as a pup would bother him into old age. Well at first he was scared of everything though he soon outgrew that. We traine him and he was great at sitting and listening. After he turned a year we started to see issues. He turned agressive toward neighbors and even people he once got along with he was mean to. He has lunged at people and is not good at meeting strangers. He is a great dog besides that though. I love him to death but I would never own one since I am scared to be around him when he meets anyone he doesn't know. <br><br>My sister got a pitbull, at 6 weeks old. She never trained it once and didn't ever disipline it. It was alright but was aggressive with other dogs and killed a pup of my friends and also lunged at anyone that came near. It made me realize that I doubt I could handle a dog like that unless I could put myself into it's training 24/7 and I knew a bundle about them. My moms mistake in training, she didn't socialize him because she didn't know that it was needed for the breed to get along with other people. So another words, pretty much it depends on how much time you can put into the dog. I know right now I could never own one as I barely have time to train my Cocker Spaniel, let alone a pitbull.<br><br>And I agree with Zagari, if they get banned, they will move onto new breeds. Like how Dobies and Rotts are also breeds used then what will happen. Those get banned? Then eventually no dogs would be allowed....

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