Well, i downloaded this song called, <span style="font-weight:bold">Sing For Me</span> by Tarja Turunen...from her album My Winter Storm. And she sings in a Lyric Soparno form...so i was like, hmmm....I wonder if I can sing like that. So, I plugged in my ipod into the stereo, open a website with lyrics to the song and sang along. <br><br>So I sang a 4 minute song for 45 mins. straight (I had the song on repeat hahaha ).....now my throat is hurting bad. I was amazed that I hit the high notes, but I'm not good enough since it was my first time singing along to that type of music. But I sang better than I thought I would. When my brother came out the shower he was like, "Man, I can hear you more than the actual song!" But he didn't say if i was good or not.
Oh, well...
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .