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Waived Show Fee..

edited October 2005 in Game Suggestions
I hope the powers that be are taking notice that because of the waived show fee the amount of events made (especially high dollar ones) has doubled, and also entries are on the rise. <br><br>I'm not sure why events have to take a 'fee' to set up, events are a BENEFIT of a sponser kennel, so they should make a modest amount of money for the kennel in my opinion. Which is all they made even if you make 1000 events all the time. I spend 300-500k a night entering events, so I think that evens out anything I might make on entry fees. <br><br>Plus if the events don't cost anything people are more free to make whatever events they want, and if they don't get entries..well they just delete it and make a different one. <br><br>So I vote to keep the fee waived for all sponser kennels. The benefits: <br><br>1. More shows for everyone to enter, including high dollar ones so that people who show can make money. <br>2. People who paid a lot of money for show dogs have some chance of making that money back.<br>3. Entries rise considerably when people are allowed to make high dollar events (I for one usually only enter 1000 entry fee events). <br>4. Sponser kennels make a modest amount on entry fees, enough to make them really a BENEFIT as they're advertised as. <br>5. People are free to make events and delete them if necessary without having to let them sit for weeks on end with no entries trying to get back the 10k they spent to make them. <br>6. Events can run with fewer entries, they don't have to sit for weeks to fill up to the max to make up for the money the people spent to make them. <br><br>Eh..probably other benefits. I don't see any benefits to having it 'cost' to make events.


  • I really like that idea, but people have to keep in mind that novice players would like to enter events too, so cheaper events should be made in addition to the more expensive... Besides, the free events usually fill up super fast and if you have a high winning dog in there, you will get more points because you defeated more dogs! I really like this idea and support it!
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