<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I once had to wait over a week and I paid with paypal.<br>If you have to wait over three days, place a ticket in OrbisWorlds. <br><br>The one good thing about having to wait a little longer is, sometimes Nef gets really nice and gives you extra time or imports! <br>I got a month or two extra and 4 extra imports :P<br>Course I had to wait about 1-2 weeks. . . So yeah :roll:<br>But she'll get to it </span></span>
xD I had to wait for my upgrade (a long time ago) for a month with paypal. D; I got 3 extra months for it, though. ;D<br><br>Currently, I have to wait adopt the dog I want. ;_;<br>I'm too excited to wait! xD *flails*
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!