lol thats what i usually charge but today I'm feeling like grooming isn't that much of a pain. besides I remember when you gave me discounts on breeding. :P Thats been awhile. How many dogs do you plan on sending and whats the amount of years that you need done?
nah 80k is fine. specially if u have a lot of dogs that need grooming. <br>I know its been forever ago. I remember talking to you several times a day about random stuff and breeding
I had an anole to.<br>And no one believes me when I say this...but she stayed in the same spot all her life, I found her on a plant outside in my front yard and she let me hold her and pet her, then I put her back on the plant and the next day when I came home from school she was still in the same spot awaiting my arrival. XD<br>Then as she got older she moved to a water hose...and I found her(yes, it was the same lizard.) and I moved her to my backyard on a tree right above an old swing set we had, and I went out there a few days later and guess who was there??!!! She stayed there for a few years to, anoles don't live as long larger lizards.<br>I've had Bama for 2 years, but she was older when I bought dad thinks she is just dying of old age. :? <br>He said he would get me another lizard if she passed & me and my boyfriend have been looking into Bearded Dragons, but I don't know if I would want another...even though I can't see myself <span style="font-style:italic">without</span> a reptile. ;-;<br>Sorry for long post. xDD
Aww! Thats really cool with the lizzard<br>I got mine down in arkansas. She lived a few months then died ;.;<br>But my dad came home with a snake. Which i was surprised cause he is deathly scared of them.
Aw. <br>That's how my mom is with reptiles. My grandma bought Bama for me for an early birthday present and I didn't tell my mom until after we bought her...XD<br>Then she had eggs and mom was like "skfhglkhfgjhdfkjghdkjhg" that's one animal she doesn't like...Lizards.
My anole layed eggs. then she died ;.;<br><br>But actullly it was my step dad cause my real daddy is uh not here anymore.<br>And he is scared pf reptiles in genral cause he got bit by a ball pyhtin when he was younger
aww I'm sorry about your lizard. My mom dislikes all animals for the most part. She hates the hair that gets in her house so we aren't allowed to have pets. Even if the animals don't have hair she still says no.
<br><br>Did you incubate them?<br><br>Triss-What?! D; That's no fun, well, the only upside to not having animals is, saving money & you won't have an attachment.<br>But, I can't see myself without animals, I need something to take up my time.
Triss-What?! D; That's no fun, well, the only upside to not having animals is, saving money & you won't have an attachment.<br>But, I can't see myself without animals, I need something to take up my time.
<br><br>I know its no fun. I've had very few pets that didn't last very long. I had 2 kittens last year but they lasted less than 6 months. I've never had a dog. My neighbors have a couple pups and then across the road theres 2 greyhounds. So I'm kinda attached to them. Hehe no I don't save much money. I've bought a lot of my own clothes and went to kings island this year.
Tiff- The guy at the pet store killed mine. D< I was furious.<br><br>Triss- Well, just think when you move out you can get as many as you want. XD<br>The main problem I have taking my pets anywhere is that one of them is blind, they get car sick, & they are too hyper-and that includes the cats.<br>The problem with my lizard is, it's hard to transport a 55 gallon tank anywhere. lol.
Tiff- The guy at the pet store killed mine. D< I was furious.<br><br>Triss- Well, just think when you move out you can get as many as you want. XD<br>The main problem I have taking my pets anywhere is that one of them is blind, they get car sick, & they are too hyper-and that includes the cats.<br>The problem with my lizard is, it's hard to transport a 55 gallon tank anywhere. lol.
<br><br>I plan on getting a couple dogs. But I most likely won't be doing that till after my bf and I get married.
yes they can be annoying but they are worth it. My bf is almost always busy so most likely the dogs will be more for me then for him. I'll be the one training and walking them the most.
XD<br>I move out in December, although I can't get any animals (like dogs & cats) until me & my bf get our apartment in the fall of 2010, so that means my dogs and cats have to stay in my brothers care for a while, but the lizard comes with me. :P<br>Dogs are defiantly worth it. You'll get a lot of laughs, what breed are you wanting to get?
Aw that stinks. At least the lizard will stay with you I am looking at Huskies, German Shepherds, Cane Corso, or Greyhounds. My bf is only interested in the GSD's and Huskies sadly. But I know he'll let me get w/e I want as long as he has 1 dog of his choice.
GSD's are amazing, some animal shelters will bring in a dog or two to Petco to socialize them and there was a cute puppy GSD one I fell in love with, he came right up to me and shook my hand, he was adorable!!! XD
thankfully my neighbors have one so I'll get to watch and interact with her as she grows. She's just now 8 weeks I think. Her name is Pearl and she's mainly black. She looks like a little bear cub. :P She is a 3k dog though. :shock: I was so surprised they got her but they made a deal with the owner.