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<br><br> I cannot do anything in my own physical strength to show you my gratitude, except to just say a big fat <span style="font-size:200"><span style="font-weight:bold">THANK-YOU!</span></span><br><br><span style="color:darkred"> Tarnish: You are my angel, an absolute angel. You were there -everytime- I needed someone to talk to. You kept me from thinking I was less than dirt. You kept me from trying repeat my past mistakes. You kept me from drowning in my own tears. You ARE my gaurdian angel, my virtual and real life one. You made me smile or laugh while I was sad and sick of myself. You taught me that the girl I use to love was nothing better than a child who didn't know what she wanted. And you're probably the one that saved me the most. I just can't thank you enough on what you've done for me. You're my savior.</span><br><br> <span style="color:indigo">Nickel- You keep me from pitying myself. You keep me from having my anger spasms. You make me smile and laugh. Whenever I am perfectly alone, I start to think of my past without noticing and it causes me to get gloomy. Even though you may never know what I am saying, it helps just to listen. You're here for me whenever tarnish isn't, and you always make me smile even at my angeriest. </span><br><br> <span style="color:darkblue">ViVi- You're the inspiration to love again. You talking about Stetson makes me realize that love is everything a person can hope and try for again, and again. It will never get old or painful. You show me that I am can be a better person and that I can overcome things if I try. You are my sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey . You inspired me to try and find love again, even at a young age. You show me that there is someone out there for me, and I can just wait and try. </span><br><br> <span style="color:red">Tara- You're my mom on here, even if you might think it's just for fakes. You keep my chin up and make me look forward to everyday in VP chat. Hoping that you'll come on that day. You question each of my moves, making me think twice before I do something. You questioned my stupid act in March, but I still did it. At least you tried. And you say things better than my real mom could in RL. I love you, mommy Tara!</span><br><br> <span style="color:violet">Horse- You give me inspiration to keep my chin up and fight for my respect. You tell me that I don't deserve the crap I get and should fight back for my own rights! And I did! And you know what happened? I felt DAMN good! You help me get my confidence at its peak and keep it there. You also listen to my random bursts and reply back with soft, comforting words (everything I could ever ask for in return). </span><br><br><span style="color:brown"> Evlon- You help me with my drawings. And emotionally, my drawings portray my release of stress. Whenever I get better at my drawings I feel 10x better. You might try to recall a moment of helping me with my drawings and draw a blank, and that's because just seeing your drawings make me excited to try and draw. <br><br> I fail many times but after 100 scap pieces of paper I come up with a darn good drawing and have a goofy smile plastered on my face. <br><br> So thanks Evy for everything you could offer to a young artist.</span><br><br> <span style="color:green">Dusty- We may not talk anymore but each time you're on and I walk into chat you yell "YOUNG!" And that makes me feel appreciated because someone is screaming my name in excitement while I walk into a chatroom. That feeling is like I am loved and needed. You do the smallest things that have big effects on me. I thank you too, my squishy, for making me feel appreciated. </span><br><br> <span style="color:orange">Wheaty- You make me laugh and smile. You show me how -great- it is to be happy. You pratically rub in my face 'Be happy! IT'S SOOOO FUN!' and I can only help but smile in return. You keep my mood on high and never let it go any lower than 'over-flowing'. I just can't help but smiling whenever I hear your name because I recall every funny thing you said to me. I really cherrish every joke and comment you give me, even if I say otherwise. </span><br><br> <span style="color:olive">Sandy- You keep me on my toes with my sarcasm. You try to push me down with hidden amusement (sarcasm). And it makes me fight for my fair share of equality. You keep me from becoming a true doormat. You're my daily 'Stay down or fight for your right dang it!'. Thank you for keeping me strong and confident about myself!</span><br><br> <span style="color:blue">Cybe- You hardly get on now but you're still considered a good friend. You make me smile with each "YOUNG!" you say in chat. Almost like Dusty, but you two are different, much different in good ways. You make me feel that even if I don't talk much to my old friends that they're still my friends after it all. </span><br><br> <span style="color:cyan">Kimmy- You, you are the reason why I am so god dang insane ha-ha. And why I have my humor sharp every day. You keep me from growing dull with stress and age. Each day is a new laugh and hilarious memory with you. You keep me from becoming a boring person without a heart to laugh with, a mind without a humor or a tongue lacking witty comebacks. Thank you!</span><br><br><span style="color:yellow"> Buffy- You make me think my art is worth something than I actually think it is worth. You make me feel valued and better than I think I am. You show me that I should have confidence in each stroke in my pencil, and with every stride in my step. I fight against you about how much my art is worth but you always win in the end. Thank-you! (sorry for the yellow but that was all that was left! </span><br><br> <span style="font-weight:bold">And to the rest of VP-</span><br><br> You keep me on my toes, anticipating the next brilliant challenge you guys bring me. I want to over come what ever you throw at me. You guys show me that you guys are like the new world I'll be facing when I get older! There are people with needs, wants and dreams on here too. Each move, message and smiley I send to a person on here makes us have good connections.<br><br> And each frown, flame or disagreement I have with someone on here I am shown new consequences. <br><br> You guys all gave me something nobody in real life gave me... <br><br> A single soft helping hand up. You guys lifted me off the ground with some tugs, out of the mud and gave me a new pair of clean, beautiful clothes. You guys made me change into a better person. I cannot say I am the best person I can be right now, but with some pulling in the right direction with my true friends...<br><br> I think I'll become that person I've always wanted to be. <br><br> <span style="font-size:150">Thank-you, Friends and VP, for saving my life from myself. I can't thank you enough.</span> <br><br>-ShayI am just realizing something. I was quite arrogant awhile back and all, but now I have finally saw what made me smile everyday. <br><br> I am not lying either. After I attempted to OD'd and got out of the hospital... No one in my school talked to me, I felt cold and over with life again. I didn't want to be here, at all. *Sticks tongue at certain blond* My friends know who I am talking about. And I wanted life to just be over with... I didn't care how I ended just as long as I didn't feel pain from people and things anymore...<br><br> <span style="font-size:200"><span style="font-style:italic">But</span></span> when I came home, hopped on the computer in hope to find someone who could brighten my day... I found people, people who didn't judge me for being who I am and didn't question me about it either. I found <span style="color:green">true friends</span>. And that made me smile, hoping while I went to sleep that very night I could talk to them again tomorrow...<br><br> Days passed, me just eagerly waiting to get on the computer to talk to people who cared for me. I soon got up on my own feet, with some help of virtual hands, and I lived. I wanted to live! I wanted to love! I wanted a family! I wanted a damn good future! Let alone, I was able to move on with a big, stupid smile on my face. <br><br> I am actually pretty over-emotional over this... Maybe it's because I am finally coming around to thank the people who saved my life. The people who gave me faith in life again after trying to end myself, the people who made me stronger, and the people who taught me to love again.
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."