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I really want to go...

edited July 2009 in General Discussion
See <br> <br>-Alice in Chains<br>-Hollywood Undead<br>-Hurt<br>-Red<br>-Cage The Elephant<br><br>But mostly Hollywood Undead and Cage the Elephant. <br><br>So my cousin (who you all know by now takes me and my friends to any concert we ask her too as long as she doesnt have army business and we pay for her ticket) said she would take us. <br><br>But its not in our state. Its one state over, Im not sure how many hours away. But she still said she'd go because she <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">loves</span></span> Hollywood Undead and is dying to see them.<br><br>It'll be in Sept. On a Saturday (which means it wont interfere(sp?) with school) and my mom said I could go.<br><br>But I have a problem.<br><br>I have two friends who wanna go. One, Im sure will be able to go. (Unless something happens right before, like if she were to break a leg or something) And the other really wants to go and I really want her to go too, cause It'd be her first concert. I think anyway. (And what better way to spend it with your best friends?) My cousin said its fine, they could come.<br><br>And the problem is...<br><br>The tickets I want are $74, each, after all the charges are added in. (I know it sounds expensive but I only ever spend money on music. (CD's and concerts etc.) So I have a bunch saved up) I have the money for mine, and my one friend can probably pay for hers, but I told her I would pay for half of it because shes my best buddie and her birthday is 3 days before mine, next month. (Happy birthday to her o.o) <br><br>And my other friend, I dont know if she'll be able to pay for the ticket. I know she wants to go real bad, and I want her to go real bad. But I cant pay for everyones ticket. And plus I might have to pay for my cousins. In that case, I will not be going. (But if she <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">really</span></span> wants to see them Im sure she'll pay for her own) Because I dont have that kind of money. (oh I wish I was rich) =\ (And the cheaper tickets are $55 I think, if we were to get those.)<br><br>So my big problem is, do I go and get the good spot (GA on the floor in front of the stage, no seats, and just take me and my cousin(if I have to pay for her)) and have an amazing time (this is like a one time thing yaknow.) Or do I get the cheaper spot and go with my friends (in a seat, father away).<br><br>Does it make me sound selfish that I really want the expensive spot? I think Im putting too much thought into this. I dont even know if my cousin can take us (cause the army might have her doing army stuff that day). And my friends havent even asked their parents yet. I think too much xD


  • -Alice in Chains<br>-Hollywood Undead
    <br><br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Man, I'd give anything to go see them. But mainly like you said, Hollywood Undead.<br>I love them! :twisted: <br><br>I really don't know. . . I've been to tons of concerts but I've always had a friend or two come a long.<br>So because of that, I never get the good seats.<br><br><br>I feel for ya. <br>You should go, for sure.<br>Can you bring one friend, have them pay for it, and still get the good spot? :(<br><br><br>I heard Hollywood is wicked cause they come up and like mess around with you! :shock:<br><br><br>I wanna go so bad too. . . :cry:<br>Oh well, maybe next time when they're closer.</span></span>
  • I dunno, Im going to see how much my one friends mom will pay and then just let me pay the rest. Since her birthday is coming up her mom might pay for it. <br><br>Ill talk to my cousin about paying her own tomorrow. Shes taking me to a concert lol. And wait a minute o.o She told me she'd pay her own tickets for the next 3 shows..So I guess she still will lol<br><br>And plus I went to the Slipknot show and the Seether show with just my cousin, so I dont care. I just like bringing friends along :]
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Then yeah, do that :D<br>Man, you so lucky your going -kicks rock-<br>Have fun though and steal one of their masks for me! Doesn't matter who!<br>I just want one >.></span></span>
  • Lol if I get to go. Right now its a yes. But the army likes to send my cousin to other states for like non reason with little notice. <br><br>Lmao. I think if I try to still one I might get beat up.. xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Ehhh, use a sneak attack! 8) </span></span>
  • Im going! :D <br>My cousins paying for her own tickets, Im paying for mine, and like I said paying up to $30 on my friends for her Bday. My cousin might bring some friends too. We might even stay at a hotel. Im super excited :D
  • Definately take the very front. <br>=D<br>I am soo jealous it's not even cool.<br>Buffy wants to go, take me!!!
  • I wish I could take all you guys D:<br><br>And yeah were getting GA right down by the stage. <br><br>Haha people who have to get seats.
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