This is making me to the point that I can almost cry.<br><br>I LOVE my dog, more than anybody could ever understand.<br><br>He is nice to me, not aggressive like he is towards everyone else.<br><br>But my parents don't even let me go out and see him, and nobody ever goes out there except for me, but now they're starting to not let me.<br><br>Whenever he wants to play, they give him treats.<br><br>That's extremely unhealthy for one, and doesn't fill the void of playing.<br><br>Then when my parents/brother go out there and he starts nibbling the slightest bit, they smack him.<br><br>I yell at them, and I'm getting to the point where I could cry.<br><br>I want Marvel to have a better life then he has, but I don't know how to do that for him.<br><br>I love him so much, I just..I don't know what to do.<br><br>Marvel needs a better life.. and that's what I want for him, because I love him.<br><br>I just..don't know anymore.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .

love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .