Lol. My mommy and daddy aren't really sure about the whole "another dog" idea. D; They're saying that right now, maybe not. Because the economy's bad and winter's coming soon. Meaning, daddy won't have a whole lotta work coming winter. Winter is not nice to carpenters. Dx Bah. Well, I'll just have to wait, won't I? *bursts from waiting* xD
<br><br>I know that.<br>My step-dad does that.<br>but he got promoted to an office job xD<br>Know he just sits on the computer xD<br>And is lazy D;
Lol. My mommy and daddy aren't really sure about the whole "another dog" idea. D; They're saying that right now, maybe not. Because the economy's bad and winter's coming soon. Meaning, daddy won't have a whole lotta work coming winter. Winter is not nice to carpenters. Dx Bah. Well, I'll just have to wait, won't I? *bursts from waiting* xD
<br><br>I know that.<br>My step-dad does that.<br>but he got promoted to an office job xD<br>Know he just sits on the computer xD<br>And is lazy D;
<br><br>Lmfao. "And is lazy D;" That made me lol.<br>Well, business thrives during the summer.<br>Although, daddy's been doing more hours than what the business can pay for. D;<br>Which means less seeing daddy unless I go to the shop and help.<br>Which, or course, I sometimes do. ;D
Lol. My mommy and daddy aren't really sure about the whole "another dog" idea. D; They're saying that right now, maybe not. Because the economy's bad and winter's coming soon. Meaning, daddy won't have a whole lotta work coming winter. Winter is not nice to carpenters. Dx Bah. Well, I'll just have to wait, won't I? *bursts from waiting* xD
<br><br>I know that.<br>My step-dad does that.<br>but he got promoted to an office job xD<br>Know he just sits on the computer xD<br>And is lazy D;
<br><br>Lmfao. "And is lazy D;" That made me lol.<br>Well, business thrives during the summer.<br>Although, daddy's been doing more hours than what the business can pay for. D;<br>Which means less seeing daddy unless I go to the shop and help.<br>Which, or course, I sometimes do. ;D
<br><br>I would love to help my step dad.<br>But he is to what do you call it bossy or osevie with being all neat and clean xD
I would most definitely go to the shelter first. But unfortunately, since I live in such a small town, they rarely have JRTs. Mostly big dogs. I've been looking at the two shelters that are in my town's websites on petfinder, and so far, it seems as though they don't do much updating... unless the animals are coming in really slow. One has about ten cats and the other has one big Rottweiler only. And about the aggressive thing - I am totally into properly socializing the dog, with people and with dogs. I never leave any of my dogs unspayed or unneutered, either. ;D First thing we do when they're old enough is get them all fixed up so no inexpected puppies come in the future. Or expected behavior issues. xD<br><br>My Aunt has a Jackie, too. So I'm going to ask her about her dog. (In fact, the dog's name is Pepper. xD) But, her Jackie isn't at all like people say. She's very mellow, doesn't need a whole lot of exercise, isn't aggressive, and doesn't tear up the house! I guess she's the on exception. xD But, she does go after most small animals like normal Jacks.
<br><br>If there aren't any in the shelters, there prolly isn't a breeder anywhere near you. The owners tend to cross breed and stupidly not spay/neuter and then give the pups to the shelter. >.> So you might have to drive a town or two over to get a jr from a breeder. And if you go through all that, there's prolly an even better shelter closer than a breeder.<br><br>*sends jrt from local shelter* xD There you go.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
I would most definitely go to the shelter first. But unfortunately, since I live in such a small town, they rarely have JRTs. Mostly big dogs. I've been looking at the two shelters that are in my town's websites on petfinder, and so far, it seems as though they don't do much updating... unless the animals are coming in really slow. One has about ten cats and the other has one big Rottweiler only. And about the aggressive thing - I am totally into properly socializing the dog, with people and with dogs. I never leave any of my dogs unspayed or unneutered, either. ;D First thing we do when they're old enough is get them all fixed up so no inexpected puppies come in the future. Or expected behavior issues. xD<br><br>My Aunt has a Jackie, too. So I'm going to ask her about her dog. (In fact, the dog's name is Pepper. xD) But, her Jackie isn't at all like people say. She's very mellow, doesn't need a whole lot of exercise, isn't aggressive, and doesn't tear up the house! I guess she's the on exception. xD But, she does go after most small animals like normal Jacks.
<br><br>If there aren't any in the shelters, there prolly isn't a breeder anywhere near you. The owners tend to cross breed and stupidly not spay/neuter and then give the pups to the shelter. >.> So you might have to drive a town or two over to get a jr from a breeder. And if you go through all that, there's prolly an even better shelter closer than a breeder.<br><br>*sends jrt from local shelter* xD There you go.
<br><br>My Aunt lives 45 mins away (she got her Jackie from her town) so I might check there for a Jack if one doesn't turn up in the Shelter in the future. But, I'm starting think her Jack Russell isn't purebred. Have you ever seen a Jack puppy that has huge ears that stick right out of its head? And her ears never did flop. >.> Gah. Hopefully there is a breeder there, though. My dad isn't an animal <span style="font-style:italic">lover</span>, so he probably won't go too far away just to get me a dog. D;
;D I found a Jackie mix (black & white) in a shelter about two hours away from here. And get this - it's the same place where my parents wanted to go to for a visit as family time. ;P Lol. She's a female named Stormy. But, I don't know what she looks like D; They have no photo up. Otherwise I might be able to be positive she's right. xD She's about a year and 3/4, already spayed. But, I don't know. Plus, I'm still trying to butter up the 'rents. ;P
That's what really pushed me with Auzzy. If I didn't exercise him every day, every hour(he woke me frequently in the middle of the night to play), he'd mouth. If he mouthed, he was at risk of leaving. A bit more extreme, butttt. I'm sure you'll be surprised with how much you'll be pushed to exercise a dog. My dad actually wanted a JRT. Not many people know that on here. He likes there size, and he was actually willing to fix up the fence(gangs broke it) so that I could play with the dog easily outside. But I fell in love with Auzzy! <br>I love the JRT gait. It's so friggin' CUTE!
<br><br>xD So Dreamy. You're saying you do think I'll be motivated to exercise the JRT because he'll get so hyper and annoying that I'll have to? xD Lol.<br><br>I was thinking of getting a Dachshund before I though of a Jackie, but they're too small for me. Jacks definitely have an awesome size. I love their little faces.
<br><br><span style="font-size:75">Well.. Yes? XD You don't want them learning bad behaviors. Chewing, mouthing, barking like a maniac, which are all mainly results from not having enough to do. And not everything you do HAS to be physical for you or the dog. Auzzy got exhausted from simple mental games, like trying to get his food(he was never handed food, he had to work for every single piece, otherwise he'd get chaotic) out of things similar to Kongs. After he got everything he'd collapse on the floor and take a nap. XD<br>What I meant is that you'll be motivated. With Bella, she'd rather curl up on a lap than take a jog with me any day. With Auzzy, well, yeah. x3 I love dogs like that. It's like a human friend. Would you want a friend that just wants to sit and watch TV all day? Or one that likes to go places and meet new people and things? Neither is wrong, but one appeals more to some people that the other!</span>
That's what really pushed me with Auzzy. If I didn't exercise him every day, every hour(he woke me frequently in the middle of the night to play), he'd mouth. If he mouthed, he was at risk of leaving. A bit more extreme, butttt. I'm sure you'll be surprised with how much you'll be pushed to exercise a dog. My dad actually wanted a JRT. Not many people know that on here. He likes there size, and he was actually willing to fix up the fence(gangs broke it) so that I could play with the dog easily outside. But I fell in love with Auzzy! <br>I love the JRT gait. It's so friggin' CUTE!
<br><br>xD So Dreamy. You're saying you do think I'll be motivated to exercise the JRT because he'll get so hyper and annoying that I'll have to? xD Lol.<br><br>I was thinking of getting a Dachshund before I though of a Jackie, but they're too small for me. Jacks definitely have an awesome size. I love their little faces.
<br><br><span style="font-size:75">Well.. Yes? XD You don't want them learning bad behaviors. Chewing, mouthing, barking like a maniac, which are all mainly results from not having enough to do. And not everything you do HAS to be physical for you or the dog. Auzzy got exhausted from simple mental games, like trying to get his food(he was never handed food, he had to work for every single piece, otherwise he'd get chaotic) out of things similar to Kongs. After he got everything he'd collapse on the floor and take a nap. XD<br>What I meant is that you'll be motivated. With Bella, she'd rather curl up on a lap than take a jog with me any day. With Auzzy, well, yeah. x3 I love dogs like that. It's like a human friend. Would you want a friend that just wants to sit and watch TV all day? Or one that likes to go places and meet new people and things? Neither is wrong, but one appeals more to some people that the other!</span>
<br><br>xD Yeah, I don't like friends who sit around all day. D; All my besties are the type who like to go out, do stuff, socialize, learn, etc. So I would love my dog to be like my bestie ;D And I know that it wouldn't always have to be physical exercise - they need mental exercise, too. Having challenges each and every day makes them have to think, learn, and place pieces together. ;P Someone told me that a 1 1/2 hour walk wouldn't be enough for a Jack Russell. I think it would be, as long as I am teaching him for mental exercise, too, and playing with him. Fetch is always a lovely, endless game to drain energy. xD But I am certainly looking for a dog that has a lot of energy to spend with me, and would rather be out running in a field than sleeping on a bed, ignoring me and my boredom. The real reason for my interest in a dog like that is because it'd keep me busy. I hate being bored when my parents are at work during the summer, on weekends, and for the hour or so after school that I'm alone... Does that make sense? Plus, I am fairly good with balancing my schoolwork and time for dogs (as long as I <span style="font-style:italic">care</span> to do my schoolwork... ;P), with extra for my own stuff... like VP and such. ;D So. I think a Jack Russell would work for me. A lot of other people are saying my asthma wouldn't be a good match for a Jackie, but I know that my asthma is not severe and does not act up if I remember to take my inhaler 30 mins. before I run/exercise excessively.
<span style="font-size:75">I think you'll be fine with your asthma. I have asthma and I worked with an australian shepherd/wirehaired pointing griffon mix, hyper dog! The shelter called him the nutcase dog. XD I never had one problem running with him. And if you did, it would be a matter of using your inhaler, getting a second to calm yourself down, and then doing something easier on yourself for a bit like fetch. </span>
<span style="font-size:75">I think you'll be fine with your asthma. I have asthma and I worked with an australian shepherd/wirehaired pointing griffon mix, hyper dog! The shelter called him the nutcase dog. XD I never had one problem running with him. And if you did, it would be a matter of using your inhaler, getting a second to calm yourself down, and then doing something easier on yourself for a bit like fetch. </span>
<br><br>Exactly. Thank you. ;D That brings my confidence up a little more. :]<br>Nutcase dog? xDD Lmfao. Must of been pretty crazy, rofl.
<span style="font-size:75">It was! But I loved every minute of it. <br><br>That reminds me of the dog that was in the cage next to Auzzy's, actually. There was a sign on his cage that said "Shhh! I just got back from being spayed/neutered! I'll be sleepy!" or something, and then the dog behind the bars was jumping straight up and down. I'm serious, it was going like three feet in the air. XD He would'a been an awesome agility dog.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">It was! But I loved every minute of it. <br><br>That reminds me of the dog that was in the cage next to Auzzy's, actually. There was a sign on his cage that said "Shhh! I just got back from being spayed/neutered! I'll be sleepy!" or something, and then the dog behind the bars was jumping straight up and down. I'm serious, it was going like three feet in the air. XD He would'a been an awesome agility dog.</span>
<br><br>Lmfao. "Shh!" xDD then there's a dog nearly jumping out of his cage. Made me lol. ;D<br>I want to train the Jackie I get for agility. I've never done it before, and I'd absolutely love to. Plus, I'd be getting experience to see if it's something I'd like to do when I'm older. ;P<br>But, my dad's a little iffy about another dog. D; But, normally he's pretty reasonable. He'll just make me spend more time with the family if I do get one or some deal like that. xD
<br>But, I'm starting think her Jack Russell isn't purebred.
<br><br>*Just Sees*<br><br>What's wrong with that?<br><br>: P Sorry. Only reading tid-bits of each.
<br><br>Nothing, except the breeders told her that she was. But, I just figured out my mistake. I thought she wasn't purebred because her ears stick stright up. I learned that they're called "pricked ears" and it's all in the genes of the dog's parents, grandparents, etc. *continues researching Jackies ^_^*<br><br>And I'm kind of aiming for a purebred because when they're mixes, their other breed can be dominant over the one I'm interested in. Know what I mean? Uh... meaning... let's say it's a JRT/Maltese mix or somethig... and the dog looks more like a Maltese and acts more like a Maltese. I want a Jack Russell, not a Maltese. D; So. Yeah.<br><br>But I do love Mutts. I'd just like to try a purebred. That way I'm garaunteed (sorta) the dog I want. And if I can't find one, I will definitely look for a nice Jack mix. ;D
8O I found the perfect freaking dog. ;D<br>But, he's two provinces away from me at a rescue organization.<br>It states that they do adopt out to places far from the organization, but I don't know if they'll let me adopt him from this far away.<br>I'm willing to pay his adoption fee & the fee to get him here. He's adorable and exactly what I'm looking for! :] Smart, good with other dogs, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, loves people, gets along well, loves kids more than anything, loves exercise, etc. He's just right! ;D<br>His name is Gator. Which I would call him "Gatorade" because that's an energy drink, and Jack Russells are full of energy, lmfao.<br>Hopefully my parents agree to contact them and let me adopt him.<br>And another plus, he's only 2-3 years of age.
My JRT, Patches, (orignal name, right? ) is a great little dog. Shes a purebred, and I got her for free because one of my dads friends had just had a littler of pups. Well, no, his <span style="font-style:italic">friend</span> didn't have them, his friend's <span style="font-style:italic">dog</span> did. Lol. Anyway, I love her, and think the world of her, so here is a few ups and downs to owning a JRT.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:200"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold">Good things!!!!!</span></span></span></span><br>Loyal<br>Loving<br>Very Fun<br>Great little guard dogs<br>PLayful<br>Not too many health problems.<br>Great for out in the country/on a farm.<br>They are so sweet<br>They will take on someone bigger than themselfs, especially to "protect" you. (Patches has growled at and "protected" me from so many meter readers and salesmen, its no longer funny.)<br>They are perfect for agility. Or flyball.<br>They are fast.<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Not so great things.</span></span><br>Very Entergetic<br>Escape Artist. Mine escapes evey few days.<br>They aren't the biggest fans of people they don't know.<br>The dig. Holes. A lot.<br>They are pretty loud.<br>Don't make very good indoor only dogs.<br>They need to run. A lot.<br>Like Border Collies, they need a job. And since they were born to hunt, if you don't give them one, you will need a ton of topsiol to fill holes. You will need a lot anyway, but if you don't keep them busy they will escape ALL THE TIME. >.< (we can't even go 1 or 2 day trips without boarding her.)<br>If you like wildlife around, forget it. You will never see another possum, skunk, racoon, mole, rabbit, or bird near your house.<br><br>They are great little loving, fun, smart dogs. If you get one, you will never regret it.
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
8O I found the perfect freaking dog. ;D<br>But, he's two provinces away from me at a rescue organization.<br>It states that they do adopt out to places far from the organization, but I don't know if they'll let me adopt him from this far away.<br>I'm willing to pay his adoption fee & the fee to get him here. He's adorable and exactly what I'm looking for! :] Smart, good with other dogs, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, loves people, gets along well, loves kids more than anything, loves exercise, etc. He's just right! ;D<br>His name is Gator. Which I would call him "Gatorade" because that's an energy drink, and Jack Russells are full of energy, lmfao.<br>Hopefully my parents agree to contact them and let me adopt him.<br>And another plus, he's only 2-3 years of age.
<br><br>thats great! LMFAO gatorade hahaha! thats so funny, 2-3 thats a good age to get a dog..then there not THAT hyper...but there not that old
Dogcot im going to make one also...if you dont mind:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Good Things:</span><br>Shes a good mouse chaser<br>Shes loyal<br>fun<br>sweet<br>loving<br>VERY affeciante<br>likes inside and outside<br>protective<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Bad Things:</span><br>has got out to the pound about 3-4 times this month<br>she dosent play<br>she dosent like other dogs<br>scardy cat<br>Barks at EVERYTHING<br>gets on her hind legs and will scratch for attention<br>cats are a NO<br>no small animals around her
This Jackie is friendly with other animals. Not rodents, of course, but still friendly. Gator loves people as far as I've read and hasn't had any problems with them whatsoever so far. But he came to the rescue from a home with no rules or boundaries - boy, will that ever change with us! xD He's going to be given lots of exercise if I do adopt him - 1 1/2 hour runs/walks every day, plus fetch and running around and playing in the yard. He'll have two big dogs to keep him company, so he won't be alone ever. He's crate trained, so I can leave him at home in a crate when I need to. We do need a good mouse chaser! Our house is an attraction for mice for some reason, and our cats are no good. D; (BTW, I am going to train Gator to be friendly with the cats if he's not. As far as his profile goes, he's fine with cats though. But you can never be too careful). 3/4 around us is a forest with many squirrels and birds; so I know that Gator would always be trying to get to them, but we have a 5.5-6 ft. fence so he'd stay in the yard. (I am aware Jackies can jump high. I've done all the research).<br><br>I picked a Jack Russell because I spend at least 4 hours a day with absolutely nothing to do and I need to be more athletic. A Jack needs exercise and that is awesome for what I'm looking for. (I have two lazy, big dogs. D; xD) Plus, I want a breed the size of a Jack. I have the time for a Jack and the comittment, so I am ready. ;D<br><br>My mom is so close to letting me adopt the little guy. 8D But, I still have to talk to my daddy He'll be okay with it as long as the dog is already trained and my mom agrees. ;D
8O I found the perfect freaking dog. ;D<br>But, he's two provinces away from me at a rescue organization.<br>It states that they do adopt out to places far from the organization, but I don't know if they'll let me adopt him from this far away.<br>I'm willing to pay his adoption fee & the fee to get him here. He's adorable and exactly what I'm looking for! :] Smart, good with other dogs, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, loves people, gets along well, loves kids more than anything, loves exercise, etc. He's just right! ;D<br>His name is Gator. Which I would call him "Gatorade" because that's an energy drink, and Jack Russells are full of energy, lmfao.<br>Hopefully my parents agree to contact them and let me adopt him.<br>And another plus, he's only 2-3 years of age.
<br><br>thats great! LMFAO gatorade hahaha! thats so funny, 2-3 thats a good age to get a dog..then there not THAT hyper...but there not that old
8O I found the perfect freaking dog. ;D<br>But, he's two provinces away from me at a rescue organization.<br>It states that they do adopt out to places far from the organization, but I don't know if they'll let me adopt him from this far away.<br>I'm willing to pay his adoption fee & the fee to get him here. He's adorable and exactly what I'm looking for! :] Smart, good with other dogs, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, loves people, gets along well, loves kids more than anything, loves exercise, etc. He's just right! ;D<br>His name is Gator. Which I would call him "Gatorade" because that's an energy drink, and Jack Russells are full of energy, lmfao.<br>Hopefully my parents agree to contact them and let me adopt him.<br>And another plus, he's only 2-3 years of age.
<br><br>thats great! LMFAO gatorade hahaha! thats so funny, 2-3 thats a good age to get a dog..then there not THAT hyper...but there not that old
Mutties are some of my favorites <br>He looks purebred to me anyway, but it doesn't matter. ;D<br><br>*crosses fingers that I'll get him*<br>Everyone hope I'm allowed to and he isn't already getting adopted!
ya...i love Mutts they tend to have less health problems and live longer then most Purbreds...<br><br>*Crosses everything i have...toes...fingers...arm...legs... ect ect ect*<br><br> [/b]
ya...i love Mutts they tend to have less health problems and live longer then most Purbreds...<br><br>*Crosses everything i have...toes...fingers...arm...legs... ect ect ect*<br><br> [/b]
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
22/100 mill so far
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
22/100 mill so far
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!