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Slightly depressed...

edited July 2009 in Vent
ugh....I like this one guy who lives like 3 hours away from my house. And I can't see him till like 2 months when I move closer to him. When I move, I will be only like 20 mins. away from him. I want to tell him that I have feelings for him, but I'm just afraid of getting rejected. We both grew up in the same little town, where in the same class, I just miss him. He's really nice to me and all, and for a while it seem like he did like me too, but it was hard to tell. Every time when he see's me, he always has a big smile on his face, and gives me a hug :D We text or IM each other, like 3 times a week. And everytime I listen to songs from The Cure, I always think of him because we both like that band and songs are just beautiful. :D<br><br>I guess...I'm just in love<br><br><br>ok, enough of me venting about lovey dovey stuff.


  • Dont worry about being rejected. If he rejects you then it just simply wasnt meant to be. You'll find the right person when you find them :]
  • Awwww thank you :D *hugs* <br>Yeah, I agree with you, I might let him know one day when I don't get all nervous. You made me feel a bit better, well I'm leaning more on the happy side than the sad side :D<br><br><br>oh btw, I love your banner! Slipknot rocks!
  • *hugs back*<br> Yeah all my firends are coming to me with their relationship problems nowadays. <br><br>Which is funny cause Ive never dated. But apparently I know more than they do lol.<br><br>But Ive lived by my finding the right person advice my whole life. Anyway I hope he likes you back.<br><br>And thanks \m/(^.^)\m/ <He's my mini rock friend xD
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    *hugs back*<br> Yeah all my firends are coming to me with their relationship problems nowadays. <br><br>Which is funny cause Ive never dated. But apparently I know more than they do lol.
    <br><br>Lol. Same here, Sybathat3. ;D<br><br>Lycanthrin, I suggest listening to Sybe. ;D Sounds exactly right to me. ;P
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    *hugs back*<br> Yeah all my firends are coming to me with their relationship problems nowadays. <br><br>Which is funny cause Ive never dated. But apparently I know more than they do lol.
    <br><br>Those friends; yehh one of them is me XD<br><br>And if he doesn't like you, then he's missing out on a great person, and he is missin' out, his loss. <br><br>Don't worry about getting rejected, it's a 50/50 chance. Yes or no.<br><br>Yes, that's fantastic.<br>No, he's missing out, and it wasn't meant to be, you can find someone better.<br><br>Hope I helped (?) :)
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Straight to the point, guys are completly clueless. you have to be straight foward with them.<br>My boyfriend had a crush on me and I had to tell him I liked him or we would never have made it in a seven month relationship, like we are now.<br>[he was too shy.]<br>but, if he rejects you, i'll beat him in the head...with a stick. xD<br>which i'm sure he won't. :p
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Sybhat3</span>- That's cool and funny that they go to you for help/advice! You must be an awesome friend/person Sybe :D So far I think you are!! I think I'm going to go by what you said. <br><br>hahaha I love your mini rock friend :D<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Garfieldz Gal</span>- hahaha....yeah, im going to listen to Sybe! :]<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">MondyFlax</span>- Yes you did help out! :D and I agree, it is a 50/50 chance. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Avla</span> - hahaha you totally made me laugh! I actually pictured you chasing after him with a stick, then he trips than you beating him with it. lol Yeah, tell me about, guys are comepletely clueless. Wow! (about the 7 month relationship) <br><br><br><br>Thank you guys sooooo much, all you guys help me out and made me feel a lot better. *Hug to all* :D <br><br>I kind already want to tell him that I like him :D but I have to wait till I get more text messages on my phone since I ran out :/
  • Well if I didnt go by my advice who would? Gotta practice what you preach ;] <br><br>And I'll be you friend. You can never have to many ^_^
  • hahahaha so true. :D Awww, sweet! I will be your friend too!! :D and you're right, you can't have too many friends :]
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