Ok, so, I found myself bored with my layout.<br>I thought I'd bring back one of my old styles.<br>I also recently learned to make iMap banners.<br>I featured one in my new layout.<br>Anyway, without further ado, my new layout.<br><br>*Opens Curtain*<br><a href="http://www.freewebs.com/mustangboyservices/1-My Layout-Green Day.htm" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.freewebs.com/mustangboyservi ... %20Day.htm</a><br>*Audience Claps*<br><br>Thanks for looking at my new layout.<br>Tell me what you think.
May I say it's not your greatest? (Well, you did say it was one of your old ones anyways ;P)<br><br>It is nice, but the background gets covered up by the black table that your text is on - which kind of ruins the nice background, frankly. It might just be my browser (IE) that makes it seem that way. But I also notice that the balck table with all your text in it has quite a lot of room to the left side - where there is no text at all.<br><br>Again, might just be my browser. If it looks nothing like that to you and I sound totally crazy, let me know and I'll get a screenshot. xD<br><br>I do love the whole iMap thing. I so wish I could do that. I'm not even going to attempt it until I get more HTML covered, though. P; The banner is nice. It'd be a lot sharper if you added a nice red border or something that matches the layout. And if you're going to add the BarkPark, Forums, and Help links on the banner, try to make them somewhat smaller and perhaps lined up. I know your banner is busy, and it must've been hard to add all that text, but on a simpler banner, the links would be nicer lined up at the bottom, top, or side of the banner...?<br><br>I don't know. I like it. Just a few things where I was like, "o.O What?" xDD
Smeeglebwam..<br><br><br>I dun prefer the text you used, it seems choppy and..un professional? :S<br>and also the black table covering up the background, I LOVE your backgrounds and this one I can't stare at :O<br><br>the banner is okay, but it looks a little odd to me..I can't put my finger on it though :S<br><br>Also, the blank side for a while on the side bothers me. :S<br><br>Hope that helped.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
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love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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53/50 Million by 1.31.10
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