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I couldn't have said no..

edited July 2009 in Vent
<span style="font-size:75">Long story short, I was supposed to be going out to adopt a bird for Ray tomorrow. There's your intro, now I'll explain.<br><br>I believe it was yesterday I found out that two of my birds my mom had given away(without even asking me first, I, their caretaker) to a friend's friend.. Well, the friend had them two days and gave them away to someone else because they weren't super friendly. Hell, you've had them for two days. AND they need to get to know you. Secondly why would you not give them back to us? Or even OFFER them back? I mean, it's like.. Ugh. So that got me pretty mad. Since I gave these birds away ages ago. Before the Auzzy incident even. And I only found this out the other day. So of course, like I said, I was ticked, to say the least.<br><br>Today my parents were talking about a dinner they were planning on having with a friend tomorrow night. So I said, "Wait.. How are you going to do that..?" And sure. THEN they remembered that they scheduled almost a week ago for me to go look at the birds. I'd even mentioned it to my parents earlier today. But still, I tried to be mature about it and offered it up to reschedule the birds. Sure, it wouldn't have mattered whether I wanted to do, but they're always saying that I'm worse than my brother(who goes to therapy for maturity issues, by the way, so it's extremely offensive to me. He's four years younger than me, but acts 8-9 years younger) Then we got busy and I didn't get a chance to vent. Around thirty minutes after we finished I brought my issues up.<br><br>First off, I was promised when my dad finished building our shed that he would help me build an aviary for my birds. I waited patiently for almost a year and a half. It's been double that now. Still no aviary! And no plans to make one yet. <br><br>Secondly, my mom offered up my birds(cockatiels) not once, but TWICE! to other people without even considering the fact that I might remotely be attached to them. The first time I was more willing, mainly because they two she offered weren't very attached to me or I to them, and they were going to a very nice family who had lost their previous cockatiel of 15 years. They even sent me a letter(they live a few states away) saying how thankful they were. <br>The second time, not so much. I was very attached to these birds, but my mom had already talked to the person and made arrangements. My mom's argument is that I could have said "No, I don't want to" but I don't think I could. When it comes to things like that, I can't do anything. I can't. Auzzy I didn't argue, I was in shock, sadness, and what could I say? This bird incident, I was, and still am in therapy for not being assertive, for giving in whether I like it or not. I could NOT have done it! And right now, my argument isn't even over the fact that she did that, or that she won't believe that I couldn't. It's that she didn't tell me. I think I had a right to know. I told my dad this and he said, "Maybe she was trying to protect you." I doubt it. My brother knew and my sister knew. These two are blabber mouths, that's a pretty stupid thing to do, you know. "Sure! Tell the blabbers! They won't tell her! I'm trying to protect her" Blah, Blah, Blah. <br>Her other argument is that she didn't find this out until months later. Uh.. It's been over a year, mom. You had time to tell me before now. <br><br>Am I wrong to be angry?</span>


  • Wow, Dreamy. D:<br>I can't believe your mom did that to you.. I mean.. that's kinda harsh. :|<br>-hugs- I hope everything gets better, and no, you're not wrong to be angry.. I would be furious.<br>I would go on a hunger strike xDD<br><br>&& you've been waiting a LOONG time for that aviary. o_o;<br>How much patience do you have, Dreamers? D: I wouldn't be able to wait that long, I'd be screaming by the first month. xD<br><br>But I hope your mom learns she just can't give away your pets without at least DISCUSSING it with you. :roll:<br>I'm sorry <33<br>-hugs- You can always talk to me, doll. :D
  • Wow. Your parents... suck.<br><br>You have so much patience, I would never have lasted that long.<br><br>Your mom needs to learn that she can't just give away your pets. To teach her how it feels, you could try to give away your siblings without telling her xD
  • Wow. No way, you are definatly not wrong to be angry. I'd be furious.<br><br>Why exactly doe she give them away? Someone asks and she just offers them to them? Or does she just not like them so she says 'birds for sale!"?<br><br>Either way, I'm sorry. :(
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Jazz wrote:
    To teach her how it feels, you could try to give away your siblings without telling her xD
    <br><br>Heehee! XD<br>I would love to do that. >D<br>Except I've got no siblings. xDD<br>Dreamy should try that. xD
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