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So, what do you guys do when..

edited July 2009 in General Discussion
people ask you for handouts.<br><br>Like "Will you train my dog for free?!" or "Can I have your sponsor?!" or even just random hobos asking for money on the side of the road.<br><br><br><br>Personally, it drives me insane. I had to work hard for everything I have and I think everyone else should too. <br><br>Your opinions?


  • I hate it! I guess they figure if they ask enough people someone might say yes.
  • I agree, I dont really give out things. It makes me so mad when people come on here and 'beg' for stuff. I started out just like them and worked to get as far as I did.
    Breeding Kennel | Professional Graphics since 2006 | Holding Kennel
  • I agree, I dont really give out things. It makes me so mad when people come on here and 'beg' for stuff. I started out just like them and worked to get as far as I did.
    <br><br>of course you are farther than most. Miss I have hundreds of millions! xD
  • ^ *confused* <br><br>When I first left VP someone asked if they could have all my money. :shock:
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I dont give out things online, usually. <br><br>But sometimes when hobos ask me for money I go but them food. But once my friend did that and the hobo threw it back at her and said ''I dont want food! I want money!'' Even though she was trying to be nice and was horrified by his reaction, I laughed so hard. It was pretty funny. x]
  • omg haha. <br><br>Some hobos just can't be pleased I suppose. xD
  • When i go to big cities and we eat out, i always pack up our left overs and hand the crates to hobos. We made one guy really happy because 12 of us ate a On The Border and had really good food lol. He sat on the side of the road and ate it. :lol:
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