Passion of the Moon<br>A Dark Passion<br>Mystical Paths<br>Point of No Return<br>Hell & High Waters<br><br>*shrugs* xD Just some made by combining the words used as themes.
Mysrical darkness<br>Fire from the moon<br>Dark passion<br>A Dark pathway<br>Moonlight passion<br>Fire blooded prince<br>Caniane passion<br>Fire from hell<br><br><br>they suck :oops: but...i least i tried lol
The Path of Caninity<br>Moon Howls<br>Paw Print Trail<br>Moonlit Paw Prints<br><br>okayyyyy well those aren't very good. I only really like the first one...but w/e.
Ok, Kyt and ily win.<br>Dark Passions will be the name and although ily has that, Kyt only added an A onto the you both win.<br>please choose your prizes, if you would both like the same thing(s) I'll pick a name out of a hat and figure out who gets it. ^^
a chinook is a breed of dog. I did a line on them awhile back but never got around to getting 10x4s, only 9x4s. <br>and yeah, we're trying to see if we can make something like that work, if not we're using our 2nd choice.'s darkpassionsxx so you both still win. <br>you each get to choose 2 prizes of the thing, I'll have to see what Kyt chooses too before you can get your prize(s)
Er. 'Technically', Ily was the one who 'only' did something to the name. =p In most contests, it's the first person to post a name/idea/etc that wins, and I believe mine was put up at least a day before.<br><br>But whatever.<br><br>I'd like the chinook and hyena. *shrugs* I collect dogs.
true...ok, well the chinook goes to you so pm me for the link and what you would like it named, and bid on the hyena and send me the link when you pm me about the chinook? <br>ily, send a neggie for 1 mill to femalevamp14h
You said the hyena would 8x4-9x4 and unnamed and stuff... ._.;<br><br>And the name for the chinook will be Triple Threat's Intervention, please. Bid from Public Enemy #8
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik