bumps - I'd really like info on these....I need the cash, and I'd like to get all of my gifties set up with pictures but any advice to make them better is awesome!
I'ma seriously not trying to sound whiney, but I don't understand why no one has said anything? I've see that like 30something people have viewed it....and some art has been posted just today and commented on, and mine's been up since Thursday! I'm in no way whining...and I know sometimes you have to wait but it has been 3 days...I know there are a lot of awesome artists out there who would totally benefit my work!! Please let me know if you have anything to say about this - even if it's a reason why no one has commented...<br><br>Thanks! Just a little confused, no offense meant at all
i love them....i think maybe a little more pratcice wont hurt <br><br>P.S. your dobie is cut out GREAT!
<br><br>Thank you! Yesh, of course practice is really the best remedy - I was actually pretty impressed with these just in comparison to some of the other things I have done....and thanks for posting \o/
<br><br>well, I sold the one for 50k, but I'm thinking that's a pretty low price cus I put a lot of thought into them.<br><br>Maybe just like a "pay however much depending on if you like it" kind of thing??<br><br>lol, I dunno XD<br><br>Certainly the colored ones are more expensive than the manips as they take TONS more time.
<br>Sure! Let me set up a thread and the you can post forms and all....btw, I actually have a handcolored lemonorange one that I was just messing around with and turned out awesome - do you mind it scanned in or shall I copy over it with computer??! (just pm me )
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik