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Olympics Schedule Set

edited July 2009 in General Discussion
<span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:cyan"><br>Starting Date: August 2nd, 2009<br>Entries Close: August 1st, 2009<br></span></span><br>*Date is subject to change<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Groups</span></span><br><br>Group 1 - Agility*, Flyball (based on individual times not team scores), Hunting <br>Group 2 - Assistance Trial, Schutzhund, Search and Rescue, Tracking <br>Group 3 - Canine Disc, Dock Jumping, Field Retrieve* <br>Group 4 - Obedience*, Showmanship* <br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd*** <br>Group 6 - Mushing*** <br>Group 7 - Racing*** <br>Group 8 - Weight Pulling*** <br>Group 9 - Herding*** <br>Group 10 - Conformation*** <br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Schedule</span> </span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">August 2nd - August 8th </span><br>Group 1 - Agility #1<br>Group 2 - Assistance Trial<br>Group 3 - Canine Disc<br>Group 4 - Obedience #1<br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd #1<br>Group 6 - Mushing #1<br>Group 7 - Racing #1<br>Group 8 - Weight Pull #1<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">August 9th - August 15th</span><br>Group 9 - Herding #1<br>Group 10 - Conformation #1<br>Group 1 - Flyball<br>Group 2 - Schutzhund<br>Group 3 - Dock Jumping<br>Group 4 - Showmanship #1<br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd #2<br>Group 6 - Mushing #2<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">August 16th - August 22nd</span><br>Group 7 - Racing #2<br>Group 8 - Weight Pull #2<br>Group 9 - Herding #2<br>Group 10 - Conformation #2<br>Group 1 - Hunting<br>Group 2 - Search and Rescue<br>Group 3 - Field Retrieve #1<br>Group 4 - Obedience #2<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">August 23rd - August 29th</span><br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd #3<br>Group 6 - Mushing #3<br>Group 7 - Racing #3<br>Group 8 - Weight Pull #3<br>Group 9 - Herding #3<br>Group 10 - Conformation #3<br>Group 1 - Agility #2<br>Group 2 - Tracking<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">August 30th - September 5th</span><br>Group 3 - Field Retrieve #2<br>Group 4 - Showmanship #2<br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd #4<br>Group 6 - Mushing #4<br>Group 7 - Racing #4<br>Group 8 - Weight Pull #4<br>Group 9 - Herding #4<br>Group 10 - Conformation #4<br><br><br>Entry post is the the VP Olympics section


  • Plus still looking for donations for prizes, see the donation thread in the Olympics section, mostly looking for vp cash (because it divides up easily :P), and dyes or upgrades for the championship events<br><br>Will accept donations until the end of August :)
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