I see a lot of people on this game saying, "I know I'm not good enough, but...." or, "I will never be as good as you!" or, "I wish I was better..," and this is really angering me! For one, EVERYONE who is "good" now was "bad" once too. No one is born knowing how to draw. No born is born knowing how to hold a pencil for pete's sake. Everyone has taken hours and hours, if not years and years of practice time to get where they are now, and if you haven't, that's probably why you're where you are in your artistry level.<br><br>October 08 I rejoined VP with 3eagles after a year break, at which time I knew absolutely nothing about graphic making. I had made a few MS paint manips here and there, just for fun, but barely knew how to work Jasc Paint Shop Pro. I came on here and kept seeing Karissa's artwork. I couldn't believe how amazing she was/is. I wanted to be like that. And you know what? I wanted it enough to discipline myself to practice every day and work up to what I hoped would be at least her level.<br><br>I'm not trying to sound proud of my work, not in the least. There is much I have to learn, and much I am still not happy about. But truth is, I've only come far because I <span style="font-weight:bold">knew I could</span>, not because I said, "I'll never be as good as Karissa." I can tell you that right now!<br><br>I want you to know that you could really be the next Picasso. No joke there. Michelangelo was a poor boy with no interest in school and just wanted to paint. That is the birth of one of the most famous people in all of history. Someone who just wanted to paint.<br><br>So next time you say something negative about yourself, stop and think about this. You are NOT lesser and you are NOT crappy. I don't even care what you think. Set yourself a goal, not a standard. You are only as artistic as Leonardo da Vinci, but at one time Leo couldn't even smile let alone paint the Mona Lisa smile.<br><br>Just something I want you to know.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.