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Oh my...

Okay well, Im having a TERRIABLE DAY! my dog rocky just got hit by a car... we let the dogs out to go potty and rocky jumped the fence and ran in the street..there was a car comming and we just heard a big whine and a car push on the breaks...we ran outside and there was rocky in the street dead....the car hurried up and speed off but...i ran to rocky and he was there lifeless...... :cry: i dunno if i can take this anymore....I loved him so much....
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik


  • I'm sorry. I'm in a similar situation. My neighbors dog keeps trying to kill my cats, and thursday night it came over... I let all my cats in (they normally sleep on my porch, they're there as soon as it gets dark), and I couldn't find one. We called him a bunch, but when he didn't come we just figured he ran up a tree. The next morning when I went outside I found him laying by the side of the road. He was running from the dog and he got hit.
  • Oh my Gosh are you serious?! Ily, there is absolutely nothing you could do about this. It's a freak accident these sorts of things. It just so happened he jumped over the fence at the wrong time.<br><br>Did someone at least come and apologize, the ones who were driving the car?
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • yea..i mean i kno i cant do anything all happend so fast....i miss him so much...and no...the people never came and said sorry or anything....they just speed off.... :cry:
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • People are jerks.
  • OK my gosh I am so sorry! :( It horrible that he died, but at least you know it happended quickly and he wasn't suffering. He could have survied, but had some horrible injuries and been in pain.<br><br>I would just about die if that happended to one of my dogs. :( <br><br>And really? Running a dog over than speeding off? If I hit a dog I would feel so bad I'd probably be crying. People are jerks. :(
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • *cuddles* O.O I'm sooo sorry! You poor thing. That was a freak accident. Everything happens for a reason. Just think of the future. Don't live in the moment right now. I do know how it feels to loose a dog so suddenly, but not like that.<br><br>I was 8, I went to my mimi's house for the weekend. My mom called and said she'd put one of my dogs down and asked if she should put the other down. They were both old and suffering, but, I'd grown up with them, so... I told my mom to go ahead and put Tanner down as well. He was nothing without Miller, and, he had BAD authritus. I'm in no way saying my experiance was as bad as your is. I feel so bad. Don't, and I know it seems disrespectful, but its not. Don't set up too many momentos, it will just drag you down deeper. Wait at least a year to have pictures around you. A grave is fine. Try to have a little funeral, and then, move past it as hard as it seems. I am a 100% dog lover and am NOT disrespecting your dog, but it's best for you personally if you don't have his things around you for a while.<br><br>Hoped I helped. If you need ANYTHING, banners, training, anything. Just tell me. I will do a momento banner for free. Pm me if you want it. If you think it'll just make you cry every time you see it, I wouldn't get it. It's completely up to you. I'm here. Just ask. You won't be being rude. ;)<br><br>Love,<br>Pepper
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • thanks guys for careing......and pepper thanks LOTS you are very genorus....i miss him so much i mean i want to move on but its just somethings there thats not lettig me....i feel like its my fault...i should have been out there with him... :cry:
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • I'm so sorry that so terrible. It shocks me how careless people can be to just drive off like that! I'm so sorry i wish I could help you in some way.
  • yea...i kno...i hate it every bit...they couldve at LEAST said sorry or did something instaed of zooming off.....i feel horriable though....thanks for everyone who makes me feel a little better knowing people actually care...
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
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