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VP Olympics...

edited July 2009 in General Discussion
Someone wanna explain it to me? It seems like just a regular club to me... what's the point? Like.. what happens if you win?


  • You get prizes if you win.<br>Think like the HUMAN Olympics.<br>You show your dog in categories... and then you rack up points... and then. voila the person with the most points win. <br><br>Kinda like... er... the Tour de France. You know how that athletes do segments of the race at a time, and not all of it?<br>Then the times they get for each segment get added to each other.<br>The person with the lowest time at the end wins. :D <br><br>Thats like the vp olympics.<br>You compete your dog in an event [i think 4 or 8 times or whatever] and all those point totals get added up and voila. The one with the highest/lowest [whatever the event calls for] wins. <br>&& then, you get like a ton of moolah or something. O_o<br>Idk. I've never won anything! :lol: <br><br>Anyways. Hope that helps.
  • Tons of moolah or something = what exactly?<br><br>&& what are like..the dates it goes through or whatever.. It can't go on forever..
  • basically you just put your dog in a catorgory ( flyball, show, conformation ect) and you get points like 1st place is 100 points 2nd is like 80 or something and the dog with the most points wins so yea basicaly like a club
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Prizes are Donations from players.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a></span></span>;
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Parker wrote:
    Tons of moolah or something = what exactly?<br><br>&& what are like..the dates it goes through or whatever.. It can't go on forever..
    <br><br>The dates are specified on the thread, i think. I'm not joining this year so I'm not paying attention :D<br><br>It should start in August :]
  • Dates say TBA so I'll keep checked back there. :]<br><br><br>Thanks ^^
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