In a way I am kind of Jealous of you. LoL<br><br>My mom was the one who put me on a horse when I was very young. And ever since then she has always wanted me to compete.<br><br>I love it, but sometimes I just wish I could take a break.
D= i have back problems and i get bucked off ONCE and my mom FREAKS out and talks about selling em.. so i told her that if she did id go get a stallion when im 18 and break it on my own and see how she liked it XD she was mad at me.. She always said i was too brave on them and wouldnt let me get one.. by the time i DID get one i was "way too old to do anything"... and i wanna start now but my mom says that i wouldnt do any good against people who have been doing it a long time even thought i have a LOT of talent and take lessons *rolls eyes*
He's very nice looking.<br>Can't tell if he's cut or not... is he still a stud or was he gelded?<br><br>And Vamp-- i just started riding and im 16 now lol.<br>I don't really compete, just play days and trail rides, but its enjoyable to me.<br>If you like it, don't stop =D
D= i know! Thats what i tell her! But she'd rather go to my brothers football games than spend a day helping me with my *hopefully* career path D= i hope to get a scholarship to A&M and get on the riding team XD
I thought so, i just didn't wanna blow the pic up to look lol.<br><br>He's very pretty i'd totally ride him lol<br><br>I just sold my mare, got sick and tired of her mood swings after she broke my hand and tore up my left side.
lol Those darn mares. I only ride Geldings. I have 3 horses, all geldings.<br>My mini's however, I dont mind dealing with Mares, I also have a Stallion.
my gelding is the one with all the tricks.. he REFUSES to run.. and he does this funky dance move thing when you try to make him run... also he make a hollow noise when he's tired.. and he bites. And you cant ride him alone.. he freaks out... he's so stubborn DX he's some kinda walker cross. He's tried to jump on me when i got off him before.. and he's attempted to get me off his back by walking into fences and trying to snag my legs on barbed wire
I ride a Clydesdale (sp?) Gelding when i need someone to ride lol.<br>My mare was terrible, she was doing just fine bareback for the kids, so i got on her with just a lead rope before i put her away -stupid mistake- she started bucking like crazy and i lost hold of the lead, she tried to break my leg off in the fence and took off running like a crazy lady, by the time she threw me id already broken my hand holding on to her mane. she was just moody and then took off like 10 acres out that my cousin had to chase her down because i stood up, took about ten limping steps and passed out in the pasture and when my family got there, they thought my leg was broken.
My cousin/uncle has two Clydes that pull his wagon, so i have to work them a bit to get them into trail ride mode instead of wagon pulling lol.<br><br>And the only thing i have to say about them is don't get kicked, their feet >.< it hurts bad.
XD last time i fell off i ended up slamming into a tree cuz i was being dumb and riding with my friend sitting on the golf cart in new surroundings.. but at least there was someone there to get me on the golf cart and race after the funky mare
That would be why i don't ride mares anymore lol.<br><br>And i got stepped on by a quarter horse it was the funniest thing in the world because it was like my second time riding bareback and i had someone throwing me up on the horse, well i put one foot on her hands and she started pushing me up right when Hammy stepped on my grounded foot... i was like "umm Topaz.... Hammy is standing on my foot." and finally she realized i wasnt playing and shoved him backwards so all his weight was on my foot >.< she is so stupid sometimes lol
DX my gelding does that too.. he steps on me.. looks to see if i noticed then leans ALL his weight on my foot.. so i beat him with a stick XD once i had a friend push me OVER the horse and i fell on the other side of him and cracked my head on the ground. XD and the bad thing was i wasnt supposed to be riding ROFL
It is so funny when my Mini's stand on my foot. I will be standing there with one waiting to go into the arena at a show, talking to someone. And it will step on my, and I act all normal. LoL<br><br>Then when they look the other way, I shove them over and when the person looks back they are standing in a completely different position. lol <br><br>They just look at me funny and then laugh. lol
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .