LOL<br><br>I just thought .... like if some breeder saw me posting their "fugly" american bully they probably hunt me down and chop my face off. :oops:
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
i hate all kinneman, mikeland's and a bunch of other lines. those two are the worst though. you can't tell me they aren't english bulldog hybrids. it's an opinion, and like certian orfices, everyone has one! i also can't stand the hippo bullies. people breed for color and shortness, and these dogs resemble apbts not a bit.
Nutty you crack me up. No pun intended! <br><br>It's true though. It does look like a toad. There is no way they descended directly from APBTs, unless they're breeding dogs with dwarf genes or something. Probably that AND outcrossing with different breeds of sorts... like the american bandogge mastiff. *rolls eyes*
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.