lol yeah I'm too lazy to do it siggy is a bum -hence why your dogs are still sitting to be trained- lol thats not really why i have like a gazillion dogs that eagle is breeding for me and i hate to make her pay my boarding fee
xD it's all good. ^^ I think that uploading onto here is more work than mi last colouring project that took 4.5 hours. it's in mi dumpity if ya wanna see it.
okies. ^^<br><br>....<br><br><br>I think that Ima have to put aside the other line commish I'm suppose to be doing and draw mi fursie. -nods- or an anthro..-thinks- hmmm...
It's the third time I've gotten one on mi computer, and I was only on VP, this forum, GIMP, and DA. >.< thank God I got it all cleaned out before too much damage was done.
I'm kinda/really pissed now. >.< mi computer's going slow because I have to keep scanning, quarintening (sp?), and deleting. I hope I don't delete something important.. :shock:
Do you have virus protection Vamp, or just some removal software? I've never gotten a virus from dA or VP, but I suppose you could get one from anywhere. I don't really know much about that stuff xD<br><br>I hope you don't let that put you off. I'd love you see your dA account. Link? :P
I have the verizon security thingy. really I wouldn't really mind seeing as I can either delete or restore it if it's something important..but here's the link..<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>I don't have much stuff on there yet though. >.<
+watch, vamp xD<br><br>And I've never gotten any viruses from da o.o I've been there for a year like everyday. But I have this antivir thing...<br>da and vp are pretty much the only things I use the computer for unless I'm shopping, drawing or writing
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t