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Harry Potter 6

Okay, so I dunno when it comes out for you guys, but I live in Australia and HP6 comes out next Wednesday (15th). Anywho I'd just like to rub it in those Aussies faces that have to wait till the 15th haha cause I won 2 tickets to a preview on the monday before! yay! :D<br><br>Woot woot.<br><br>That is all thankyou.


  • ...Rawr. I'm so jealous of you! <br><br>I'm in Australia too, but I doubt I'll even be able to see it on the 6th. The opening days are sold out at two cinemas and I still need to check the other. <br><br>You lucky thing :D
  • YAY for aussies!<br><br>aha...<br><br>I'll just wait for it to come out on dvd...<br>It will most likely be the same as what happened to twilight.. everyone saw it at the movies so there was tons of dvds avaliable.. :D <br><br>Or i may go see it... with friends :P
  • haha yes I've noticed it's sold out everywhere!<br><br>And even though alot of people will see it in cinemas im sure theyll wanna get a 2nd or 3rd look at it when it comes to dvd, lol its going to be intense. <br><br>Twilight was a huge dissapointment compared to the book although I knew it was going to be poop anyway haha. I saw the preview to that too! the wednesday night before it came out =D gotta love Black Curtain Australia.
  • meh, they always cut massive bits out... books are always better :D<br><br>>.> <.< i cut school to see twilight... :roll: wasnt worth it :P <br><br>yes... black curtains are awesome!<br><br><span style="font-size:75">^.^ nighty night</span>
  • I know right! and the stuff they cut out is important! lol<br><br>:O skipping school... naughty naughty hahaha I was already on holidays then. =D<br><br>Nightyy nite.
  • it was the first day of it being screened... and it was the last day of school so it doesn't <span style="font-style:italic">technically</span> count... :P<br><br>Yeah i tend to just get really frustrated with the movies.... they said they were going to split the books and just have movies for each bit... but they didnt... :roll: it would of been better if they did... <br><br>the first 3 movies were good :D after that... kapluuut.
  • Ill let the skipping slide then... hehe :P<br><br>And true true it would have been better.<br><br>Do you know the ratting of HP6? I dunno what it is, I remember when everyone kicked up a fuss when they wanted to put an M15+ rating on, but now im starting to think that the more the movies progress the higher the rating might become? Do you rekkon its MA15+? Or just M?
  • No I don't know... It will be advertised in a minute though... There currently playing the 2nd movie on Tv... I personally think that 2nd one is the best movie... ^.^<br><br>uh... it can be MA15+ in... 5 months ok? tehe... then i can still get in ^.^<br>But yeah the rating should be going up.. more violent and graphic content... as well as the fact they are growing adolescents... >.>
  • I rekkon the 4th is the best.. so far. I do hope that the 6th is going to br as awesomely awesome as it looks haha.<br><br>Hahaha! maybe they should just keep this one at M yeh? and the next two can be MA15+ lol
  • I'm watching the 2nd on TV at the moment xD<br><br>I think they should have made the 6th movie more violent/graphic/scary. It might still be good though. I probably shouldn't judge before I've seen it. The previews do look pretty good ^_^
  • yepp, the bits they <span style="font-style:italic">did</span> include were awesome... but they missed out so much... ruins it when you have read the book and know exactly what is meant to happen next... ah well..<br><br>agreed :3 I would be perfectly fine with that :P<br><br>OOO i just remembered i saw the filming of the 3rd harry potter :D<br>Cause it was 2003 and i was in england... we saw the filming of hagrids hut :P like when they rescue buckbeak... you had to look through bonnoculars but it was still heaps awesome :D <br>I might look at that movie and see if you could see where we were standing.. its on Tv on tuesday... ad was just on :P
  • Oh awesome, youll have to tell me if you can see where you were standing, I love buckbeak lol.<br><br>I'm settling for a big harry potter festival tomorrow and monday, planning to watch the 1st and 2nd tomorrow at day time then the 3rd at night then 4th and 5th monday XD<br><br>Just so I remember all the little bits. But oh dear how horrible was that horrid pink female dog in the 5th haha Umbridge.
  • I have yet to locate a theatre anywhere in my vicinity which is showing Harry Potter undubbed. I've been through a Vietnamese dubbed showing of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and it was horrible >.<
  • =O what kind of a cinema plays dubbed movies? thats horrid. >.<
  • Vietnamese cinemas where most of the people don't get the english. It's getting better, I'm just in a smaller city, so they still show dubbed movies
  • cant<br>find<br>photo!<br><br>Im attempting to find the picture we have of the filming.. but its missing form the album! <br><br>Ill keep hunting >.>
  • <span style="color:darkred">Gah! Im in Australia too, and I can not wait until it comes out.<br>Ima ring the cinema tomorrow and see how busy they are for wednesday, if they are. Ill go thursday or friday. :) </span>
  • Today is the day! im about 3 hours off of the showing :D so excited, I shall report back on how awesome it is, but no i will not splurge details lol i hate it when people ruin movies before I see them, so I have respect.<br><br>SO PUMPED I'm just watching the ending of the 5th movie now i watched 1, 2 and 3 yesterday and the 4th this morning.. =]=]=]
  • So I'm home frome the Preview, and the movie was amazing. Perfectly gave the book justice... well to an extent. But it was very very well done. Funniest of the 6 movies so far... and yeh so thats about all I'll say so yeah, I hope everyone enjoys it cause I sure did :D
  • ack >.<<br><br>Now i have to go see it... you ebil :D
  • you really really do, I think its best so far... possibly tied with the 4th... I dont know.. but gosh it was good. Gah!
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