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Im so excited....

well, im having a garage sale this weekend and if i get enough money...I CAN BUY A SPONSER or maybe 2 lol....but um, before i buy one....can anyone tell me how its like being a sponser....and being a certian type of sponser also??(like a training, presentiage, breeding, rescue) and what one is the best?
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik


  • It all realy depends on how much you plan on being on the game and how much patience you have. I love training kennels to death but a lot of people dont have the time, nor the patience to have them. If not then i suggest a rescue or a prestige. Breedings are nice but they dont bring in a lot of money. and boardings id REALLY be against unless you have a bunch of OTHER sponsors first
  • Breeding would be the best if you want your own line and people on VP are always looking for breeders.
  • <span style="font-size:75">I have a training kennel and I think its best because you make the most money lol.</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I've owned every single type of kennel except for Boarding.<br><br>I would suggest Training, if you want to get your dogs trained and don't want to spend cash.<br>Also, fastest way to earn money.<br><br>Breeding if you want to start your own line and like Verwirrung said, tons of people<br>on VP are always looking for breeders.<br><br>Rescues if your into helping VP with all the abandoned dogs and if you like searching for things.<br>You sometimes find rare gifties or imports. . . That or high stated dogs and such.<br>All free to you of course. lol :)<br><br>Prestige if your into showing hard core. You get to host 8 events at once and you can either make a club where anyone on VP can join and enter your events, or just your dogs can enter.<br>Its a good way to one, get fame points, and two, get cash. <br>Creating events when your a Prestige doesn't cost you. So you can charge an<br>entry fee of 1k and it won't charge you a penny. :wink:<br><br>Right now I own a Training and a Prestige and I love them both. :D<br><br>But for you, I would suggest a Training maybe so you can get yourself used<br>to training and handling dogs and get yourself good cash. :wink:<br><br>Good luck on your garage sale too by the way :D</span></span>
  • thanks not sure yet but, i think i either want training or presentaige
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">*pokes in* <br><br>My two favorite types! :D<br><br><br>*pokes out*<br><br><br> :lol: </span></span>
  • lol hey i have a HUGE question about gekos...
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
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