I'm off to Myrtle Beach to visit my gimongous family *counts on fingers* 15 peoples :shock: (might've forgotten a few people xD) in <span style="font-weight:bold">TWO HOURS~~!!!</span> Can't.Wait.Much.Longer.<br>I will be back next Friday.<br><br>I'm going with my sister and her friend and her dad and his girlfriend and my mom xD<br>My sis and her friend are staying with the dad and girlfriend<br>Then it will be and my mom and 15 other family rofl.<br>It's a 12 hour drive and I'll get there at like 4 in the morning. >.<<br>Yes my family is amazazing down there. 5/15 of the people are cousins. One is 3 months older than me and she's really cool. They have a 60-ft-long boat (here comes the bragging lol), a 3-story house (which they all share except one), an underground pool, a hot tub, and a giiiiiant dock that is fun to catch mullets and flounder and once my cousin caught a baby seahorse AND WE SAW A SEA TURTLE!!!!!!!! SWIMMING IN THE INLET!!!!! IT WAS SO COOL!

(i shall be a dictionary. inlet=little creek-ish thing full of water and other sea fishes xD that you can swim in and thats where their boat and dock is and there isn't any sharkies!

) <br>Yeah they live like 2 minutes away from the oceans but I'm afraid of sharks so I'm not sure that I'll be in there very much.

<br>On the 4th they have this huge thing on the tippy top of their house that you can climb up a bunch of stairs and see like 9 different fireworks shows at once and we go on boat rides and it's soo fun! I'm so excited!<br>yup so I might be able to get on on my ipod touch a few times but i can't promise it. bai!<br>bye guys!<br><br>sorry for the weird spaces xD
Michael Raymond

10.10.10 10:10 pm

10.10.10 10:10 pm
10.10.10 10:10 pm
10.10.10 10:10 pm
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t